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7 Best ChatGPT Prompts For Sales Demo Scripts That Get People Talking (+ Templates)

Max Gayler
June 11, 2024
Remote Works

Sales demos are a crucial component of the sales process, providing a live, interactive opportunity to showcase your product and highlight its unique benefits. A well-executed demo can significantly increase your chances of closing a deal by directly addressing the needs and concerns of your prospects. 

What is a Sales Demo?

A sales demo is a presentation that demonstrates how a product or service works, highlighting its features, benefits, and unique value proposition. It’s typically conducted live, either in person or via a virtual meeting, allowing prospects to see the product in action and ask questions in real time. The primary goal of a sales demo is to show potential customers how the product can solve their specific problems and meet their needs, thereby moving them closer to a purchasing decision. Sales demos can take various forms, from live interactive sessions to pre-recorded presentations, and can be tailored to different audiences and industries.

How do I Use ChatGPT?

Using ChatGPT to craft effective cold call scripts is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access and utilize this powerful tool:

  1. Access ChatGPT: First, visit the OpenAI website or the platform that hosts the ChatGPT application. You will need to create an account if you haven’t already done so.
  1. Start a New Session: Once logged in, look for an option to start a new chat or session. This is where you’ll input your prompts.
  1. Input Your Prompts: Think about what you want to achieve with your cold call. What are the key points you need to cover? Type these into ChatGPT as prompts. For example, you might enter “introduction for a cold call about a new financial planning service” or “how to ask about current suppliers in a cold call.” Or use one of the prompts in the section below.
  1. Generate Scripts: After inputting your prompt, ChatGPT will process the information and generate a text based on your requirements. This text will be formulated to engage and interest the type of customer you are targeting.
  2. Refine the Script: Once you have the initial script, you can refine it to better suit your voice or the specific needs of your campaign. You might want to tweak the language, add personal touches, or adjust the call to action.
  3. Practice and Implement: Practice the script to ensure it sounds natural when you deliver it. Then, use it in your actual cold calls to see how it performs with real customers.

By following these steps, you can use ChatGPT to create personalized, effective cold call scripts that are designed to convert leads into customers.

What are the Pillars of a Successful Sales Demo Script

1. Understanding Your Audience

  • Research and Persona Development: Tailor your demo to the specific needs, pain points, and goals of your audience. Create detailed buyer personas to understand their challenges and how your product can solve them.
  • Actionable Tip: Use discovery calls to gather insights about your prospect’s needs and customize your demo to address those specifics.

2. Clear Value Proposition

  • Articulate Benefits Over Features: Focus on how your product can improve the prospect's business rather than just listing features. Emphasize ROI and tangible benefits.
  • Framework: Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle (Why-How-What) helps ensure that you start with the "Why" (the purpose and value) before the "How" and "What."
  • Actionable Tip: Develop a clear, concise value proposition statement that you can seamlessly integrate into your demo.

3. Engaging Storytelling

  • Narrative Technique: Craft a compelling story that resonates with your audience, showing how your product can transform their situation.
  • Framework: Use the Hero’s Journey framework where the customer is the hero and your product is the guide that helps them overcome challenges.
  • Actionable Tip: Prepare a case study or success story that mirrors the prospect’s industry and challenges.

4. Interactive and Personalized Demonstration

  • Hands-On Engagement: Allow prospects to interact with the product during the demo. This makes the experience more memorable and relevant.
  • Framework: Use the Show-Tell-Do approach where you show the feature, explain its benefits, and let the prospect try it.
  • Actionable Tip: Create personalized scenarios and workflows that reflect the prospect’s use cases, and encourage them to participate in the demo.

5. Effective Follow-Up

  • Recap and Next Steps: Summarize the key points covered in the demo and outline clear next steps. This reinforces the demo’s impact and keeps the momentum going.
  • Framework: Use the BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) framework to qualify the prospect and structure your follow-up.
  • Actionable Tip: Send a follow-up email within 24 hours with a summary of the demo, key takeaways, and a proposed action plan.

What Makes a Good Sales Demo Script Prompt?

Specific Context and Audience Details

Providing detailed information about the prospect's industry, company size, pain points, and goals ensures that the demo is highly relevant and personalized. For example, mentioning specific challenges the prospect faces or recent changes in their industry can help tailor the demo to their unique situation. This level of detail shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in solving their problems.

Clear Objectives and Outcomes

Defining what you want to achieve with the demo helps focus your efforts and ensures the prospect understands the purpose of the presentation. State the main goal, whether it’s to showcase a specific feature, demonstrate overall value, or address particular pain points. Also, outline the desired outcomes, such as gaining agreement on a next step or getting feedback on the product fit.

Key Features and Benefits Focus

Highlighting the most relevant features and benefits of your product helps the prospect see the value clearly. Avoid overwhelming them with too many details; instead, concentrate on the features that directly address their needs and demonstrate the tangible benefits they can expect. Use specific examples and success stories to illustrate how these features have helped similar customers.

Interactive Elements and Questions

Incorporating interactive elements, such as live product demonstrations, hands-on trials, or Q&A sessions, keeps the prospect engaged and makes the demo more dynamic. Prepare questions to ask throughout the demo to maintain a conversational flow and encourage the prospect to share their thoughts and feedback. This interaction not only makes the demo more memorable but also helps you gather valuable insights to further tailor your approach.

What Should You Avoid Doing in a Sales Demo?

​​Lack of Personalization

One of the biggest mistakes is delivering a generic demo that doesn't address the specific needs and pain points of the prospect. This can make the prospect feel like just another number, leading to disengagement and lost interest. Personalization is crucial for showing how your solution directly benefits them.

Overloading with Features

Focusing too much on features rather than benefits can overwhelm the prospect and obscure the true value of the product. Prospects need to understand how the product will solve their specific problems and improve their business outcomes, not just hear about a long list of features.

Ignoring the Prospect's Feedback and Questions

Failing to engage with the prospect and address their questions or concerns can create a disconnect. It’s essential to listen actively and adapt the demo in real-time based on the feedback you receive. Ignoring feedback can make the prospect feel unheard and undervalued.

Poor Follow-Up

A great demo can be undermined by inadequate follow-up. Not summarizing the key points discussed, failing to provide additional requested information, or not outlining the next steps can lead to lost momentum and missed opportunities. Timely and thoughtful follow-up is key to maintaining engagement and moving the deal forward.

7 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Sales Demo Scripts

The Live Demonstration

A live demonstration is an interactive, real-time presentation of your product's features and benefits. This type of demo allows prospects to see the product in action and ask questions on the spot, making it highly engaging and informative.

Prompt Template:

Generate a live demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry]. The script should start with a warm greeting, introduce the product [Product Name], and outline its primary features. The demo should highlight the top benefit [Top Benefit] and show how the product addresses [Specific Pain Point]. Include interactive elements where the prospect can ask questions and see live responses. Conclude by inviting the prospect to a brief Q&A session to address any further questions or concerns.

The Recorded Demo

Recorded demos provide a convenient way for prospects to learn about your product on their own time. This format allows for a polished presentation that can be reused across multiple prospects.

Prompt Template:

Create a recorded demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry]. The script should begin with an engaging introduction, present the product [Product Name], and clearly explain its key features and benefits [Key Features and Benefits]. Include real-world examples or case studies to demonstrate the product's effectiveness. End with a call to action, encouraging prospects to reach out for more information or to schedule a live demo.

The Proof of Concept (PoC) Demo

A PoC demo involves setting up the product in the prospect's environment to prove its viability and effectiveness. This type of demo is particularly useful for complex products that require validation in a real-world setting.

Prompt Template:

Develop a PoC demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] targeting the [Industry]. The script should start with an introduction explaining the purpose of the PoC, introduce the product [Product Name], and describe how it will be set up in the prospect's environment. Highlight the main benefits [Main Benefits] and specific use cases relevant to the prospect. Include steps for implementation and monitoring success. Conclude by outlining the next steps for reviewing the results and discussing potential full-scale deployment.

The Competitor Comparison Demo

Competitor comparison demos highlight the unique strengths of your product relative to others in the market. This type of demo helps prospects understand why your product is the better choice.

Prompt Template:

Generate a competitor comparison demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry]. Begin with a friendly introduction and present the product [Product Name]. Compare its key features and benefits [Key Features and Benefits] with those of competitors [Competitors' Products]. Use specific data and examples to illustrate how your product outperforms the competition. Address common objections and explain how your product uniquely solves [Relevant Pain Point]. End with a strong call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss further.

The ROI Focused Demo

ROI-focused demos emphasize the financial benefits and cost savings of your product. This type of demo is particularly appealing to decision-makers who are looking for a clear return on investment.

Prompt Template:

Create an ROI-focused demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry]. Start with an introduction that highlights the importance of ROI. Present the product [Product Name] and explain its key features. Focus on the financial benefits, using specific data and case studies to show potential cost savings and ROI [Cost Savings and ROI]. Address any financial concerns or objections. Conclude by proposing a follow-up meeting to discuss a detailed ROI analysis tailored to the prospect's business.

The Webinar Demo

Webinar demos are conducted in an online group setting, allowing you to present to multiple prospects simultaneously. This format is efficient for reaching a broader audience.

Prompt Template:

Develop a webinar demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry]. The script should begin with a warm welcome and an overview of the webinar agenda. Introduce the product [Product Name] and cover its main features and benefits [Main Features and Benefits]. Incorporate interactive elements, such as polls and Q&A sessions, to engage the audience. Use success stories or case studies to illustrate the product's impact. Conclude with a clear call to action, inviting attendees to schedule individual follow-up meetings.

The AI and Automation Demo

AI and automation demos focus on the advanced technological aspects of your product, showcasing how it can streamline operations and improve efficiency.

Prompt Template:

Generate an AI and automation demo script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry]. Start with an introduction that highlights the role of AI and automation in modern business. Present the product [Product Name] and its key AI-driven features [Key AI-Driven Features]. Explain how these features automate tasks, improve efficiency, and deliver specific benefits [Specific Benefits]. Include examples or case studies to demonstrate real-world applications. Conclude by suggesting a follow-up meeting to explore how the product can be customized to meet the prospect's unique needs.

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