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What are sales objectives? [+Examples]

Victoire Leveilley
June 11, 2024
Remote Works

What are sales objectives?

Sales objectives are specific, measurable goals that a sales team or organization sets to drive performance and achieve desired results. Think of them as the roadmap guiding your sales efforts, ensuring everyone knows where they're headed and how to get there.

These objectives can include targets like boosting revenue, acquiring new customers, improving customer satisfaction, or increasing market share.

Having clear sales objectives helps align your team's activities with the company's bigger picture, making sure everyone's working towards the same end goal. Without them, your sales efforts can become scattered and less effective. So, sales objectives are not just about hitting targets; they're about giving your team direction, motivation, and a way to measure success along the way.

Why do you need sales objectives?

1. Sales objectives give your team clarity and focus

Imagine a SaaS company that offers project management software. Without specific goals, the sales team might waste time chasing leads in various industries without much success. But with clear objectives, like "Increase sales to tech startups by 30% next quarter," the team can zero in on that target market, making their efforts more effective.

2. Sales objectives drive motivation and performance

When your team knows what they need to achieve, they can develop strategies and take action to meet those goals. A goal like "Close 50 new enterprise deals in six months" can inspire the team to focus on high-value prospects and tailor their pitches to win those big accounts.

3. Having measurable goals makes it easier to track progress and hold everyone accountable

When goals are clear and quantifiable, it’s straightforward to see how well the team is performing. If your company wants to boost monthly recurring revenue by 20%, you can use specific metrics to monitor progress. This might include tracking the number of new subscriptions, the average deal size, and the churn rate.

By regularly reviewing these metrics, sales managers can identify who’s excelling and who might need extra support or training (have you tried training videos?). This kind of accountability ensures that everyone is contributing to the team’s success and helps to maintain a high standard of performance across the board.

4. Sales objectives support strategic planning and decision-making

They help you allocate resources effectively, identify market opportunities, and adapt to competitive pressures. The sales objectives will drive key strategic decisions such as:

  • Where to hire local sales reps;
  • How to allocate marketing budgets;
  • How to provide coaching and training for the team;
  • Which product features to emphasize for different markets;
  • When to develop new features…

This focused approach is a crucial aspect of GTM enablement (Go-To-Market enablement), ensuring that all departments are aligned and working towards the same strategic vision.

5 Different types of sales objectives [+ Examples]

Sales objectives can be categorized into several types, each serving a unique purpose and driving different aspects of sales performance. Here are some common types of sales objectives along with examples:

1. Revenue-based objectives

Revenue-based objectives are all about boosting the total income your sales team generates. These goals focus on increasing the amount of money coming into the business from sales activities. Think of them as targets for how much you want to earn within a certain timeframe.


Let's say you're working for a SaaS company that offers project management tools. A revenue-based objective might be "Increase sales revenue by $50,000 in the next quarter."

This goal pushes your team to find ways to generate more sales, whether through upselling current clients, closing deals with new customers, or increasing the price of your product.

2. Customer acquisition objectives

Customer acquisition objectives focus on bringing in new customers. These goals aim to expand your customer base by attracting and converting new prospects. It's about finding new clients and convincing them to choose your product or service.


A customer acquisition objective might be "Acquire 20 new customers in the next three months."

Your team would then develop strategies to reach potential customers, such as launching targeted marketing campaigns, attending industry events, or offering special promotions to attract new sign-ups.

3. Customer retention objectives

Customer retention objectives involve keeping your existing customers happy and loyal. These goals aim to reduce churn rates and increase the lifetime value of your customers. You’ll have to make sure that your current clients stay with you longer and continue to use your product or service.


If  your company has noticed that customers tend to leave after the first year, your customer retention objective could be "Increase the customer retention rate by 15% over the next year."

Your team might have to implement new customer support initiatives, create loyalty programs, or regularly check in with customers to ensure they're satisfied with the product.

4. Sales activity objectives

Sales activity objectives focus on the specific actions your sales team needs to take to drive results. These goals are about setting targets for activities that lead to sales, such as:

  • Making a certain number of calls;
  • Sending a certain number of emails;
  • Scheduling a certain number of meetings…


If your company wants to boost its outreach, a sales activity objective might be "Each sales representative makes 20 cold calls per week." This goal ensures that your team is consistently reaching out to potential customers and making the most out of sales conversations, increasing the chances of closing more deals.

5. Market penetration objectives

Market penetration objectives are set to help you increase your share of the market within a specific segment or geographic area. These goals help you expand your presence and influence in the market.


Let’s say your company wants to dominate a specific healthcare sector. You might set a market penetration objective such as, "Capture 5% of the market share in the healthcare industry by the end of the next year."

This will guide your sales and marketing efforts to focus on important healthcare clients, tailor and personalize your messaging (maybe using sales videos?), and develop industry-specific solutions to meet this goal.

Claap will definitely help you stand out from competition by giving you the opportunity to send customized videos to your clients and prospects.

How to set relevant sales objectives?

Now that you know what are sales objectives, let me give you a few tips to setting effective sales objectives:

Analyze past performance

Review historical sales data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. This will provide a baseline for setting realistic and achievable objectives.

Understand the market and competition

Conduct market research to gain insights into market conditions, customer needs, and competitive landscape. You’ll be able to set objectives that are both ambitious and attainable.

Align with business goals

Ensure that sales objectives support the broader business goals and strategic direction of the company. This way, you’ll be able to leverage cross-functional collaboration within your company.

Make objectives SMART

Use the SMART criteria to set objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework helps in creating clear and actionable goals.

Engage the sales team

Involve the sales team in the goal-setting process to ensure buy-in and commitment. Their input can provide valuable insights and make sure you don't miss out on operational difficulties you might not have considered.

How to use Claap to make the most out of your sales objectives

Claap is an all-in-one video platform supercharging your sales meetings, featuring:

  1. Meeting recordings with audio and video transcriptions;
  2. AI-generated notes and summaries according to a desired template;
  3. All-in-one video platform;
  4. Turn customer calls into insights;
  5. Screen and webcam recording.

Claap is designed to enhance collaboration and communication within teams, making it an excellent tool for managing and achieving sales objectives. Here’s how you can leverage Claap to maximize your sales performance:

Facilitate Team Collaboration

Claap’s collaborative features can help your sales team work together more effectively to achieve their objectives.

  • Collaborative Planning Sessions: Use video meetings and collaborative documents to conduct planning sessions where team members can contribute ideas and strategies for achieving sales objectives.
  • Shared Resources: Create and share valuable sales resources (training videos, sales tips and techniques, best sales pitches) plans that outline the steps needed to reach each objective.

Enhance Communication and Feedback

Effective communication is key to staying on track with sales objectives. Claap offers various tools to enhance team communication, both synchronous and asynchronous.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular video check-ins using Claap to discuss progress, challenges, and next steps. These meetings ensure everyone is on the same page and can address issues promptly.
  • Feedback Loops: Implement a system for continuous feedback where team members can share insights and suggestions. Use Claap’s commenting and annotation features to provide specific feedback on strategies and performance.

Monitor Performance

Claap’s analytics capabilities can help you track performance and make data-driven decisions.

  • Talk-to-listen ratio: Set up talk-to-listen ratio objectives to your sales rep and track them using Claap’s analytics tools.
  • Video metrics: If you’re using marketing videos or videos for prospecting, you’ll love to use Claap’s feature to monitor the performance of your video campaigns.

Encourage Continuous Learning and Improvement

Claap can support continuous learning and skill development, which are crucial for achieving sales objectives.

  • Training Resources: Create a video library of sales training resources, such as recorded webinars, tutorials, and best practice guides. All your content will be accessible in a centralized hub. Ensure these resources are easily accessible to the sales team.
  • Peer Learning: Encourage peer learning by allowing team members to share their successes and challenges. Use Claaps video recording features to create short, informative clips that highlight effective sales techniques and strategies.

By leveraging Claap’s robust features for goal setting, your sales team can effectively manage and achieve their sales objectives.

Give it a try with the 14-day free trial (no credit card required).

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