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Add Images & Files in Comments

Released on 
March 23, 2023
New feature
Video collaboration

Add files & images in comments in Claap

We all know the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words." So when it comes to expressing complex ideas and feedback, sharing an image or screenshot can be the quickest and most effective option.

As we’re building a solution to speed up alignment and idea sharing, we’re happy to announce that you can now attach images and files to your comments 🌅

Just drag and drop an image into the message field in Claap, or click the 📎 icon and choose an image to add.

And of course, you can still use your favorite options to comments: bookmarks, reactions, mentions, polls, and video replies (in case you missed it)!


Top Use Cases

Looking for inspiration? Here’s how we like to use it:


  • Add a setting in the Desktop app settings to Display/Hide the countdown
  • Add pin it in desktop app recording controls
  • Remember the claap title in the deskop app/extension popin
  • Add an Help Center link to the You denied access in the past popin
  • Add a setting in the extension settings to Display/Hide the countdown
  • Push Notion integration in the Integration section


  • Fix ESC keyboard stroke when Claap desktop app is open
  • Fix Preferences menu is open when hiding and showing the desktop app popup
  • Fix hovering and tooltips in Desktop App popup header buttons
  • Fix input in invite form is lost when losing focus or switching tabs
  • Fix Cannot add a link using formatting options when in inbox
  • "?" shortcut is triggered by other keys
  • Inbox scrolling automatically when moving mouse at bottom of window
  • Deactivate the Claap shortcut : space at the end of a line to display the claap emoji
  • Fix the Video is private title for private claaps
  • Fix desktop app conflict between click and drag overlay
  • Fix mobile view shown instead of embed player
  • Fix extension causing endless whitespace to be added when pasting claap link
  • Manage echo issue on Brave
  • Update extension tooltip wording from "Play" to "Resume"
  • Fix Cancel button in the countdown not working

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