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Introducing Claap’s Polls — Break silos, scale alignment

Released on 
January 3, 2022
New feature
Video collaboration

Today, we’re thrilled to kick-off the year with a major release: polls are now available in Claap 🥳

With the shift to hybrid work, collecting feedback & aligning all stakeholders has never been so difficult when experiencing hypergrowth.

From now on, you will be able to create a poll in Claap to inform product strategy, get instant feedback, or vote on important decisions.

3 benefits of creating polls

⚡️ It’s fast — get more responses. One click = one answer.

🚀 It’s scalable — the output from tens of feedback sessions in just one claap

🔨 It’s actionable — turn feedback into clear outcomes

5 ways to use polls:

👩‍🚀 External User Research: easily gather user insights

🖌 Design Review: review design options and select the best solution

🗣 Product Survey: hear what your users think about your upcoming release

📆 Roadmap Prioritization: vote on roadmap priorities & decide what to build next

💻 Website Questionnaire: get valuable feedback about your website & prepare your next AB tests

Thanks Alex, David and Antoine for your contribution. See how we use Claap to survey our users.

Try Polls Now

Bonus: reactions are now available 👏

Express yourself at the right moment with in-context reactions! 👏 We’ve decided to start with our signature move but let us know if you want to add more of them!

Improvements ✨

  • Put notificationss off even for old topics in each workspace
  • Automatically turn guests to members after quick signup if they’ve been invited to the workspace
  • Add sub-notification details in the inbox
  • Add the 4 onboarding claaps in the “Shared with me” section after signup
  • Add red dot in the claap favicon on all pages
  • Add shortcuts to navigate in the different sections
  • Add a simple search field in the member settings
  • Remove the default Getting Started topic
  • Add new in-video reaction in the emails
  • Add a redirection when user duplicates a claap in the shared with me
  • Change mouse cursor on hover on the description field in the topic screen
  • Improve the Share popping shortcuts
  • Inbox - “Move to topic” spacing
  • Inbox - Label spacing with the profil picture

Fixes 🛠

  • Fix color of the poll questions & options in the claap preview in inbox
  • Fix routes in the claap preview
  • Fix multi-line comment design on notification list
  • Fix discard comment popping not clickable when sharing a link
  • Fix create topic actions
  • Fix the redirection when deleted notifications in the claap preview
  • Prevent users from entering empty first names & last names during signup
  • Fix in-context feedback while recording
  • Fix positioning of the extension popup in the web app
  • Fix font colors in the comment tiles in the claap preview popin
  • Fix favicon and appreciations
  • Fix player blocked on comments
  • Fix emoji not working in comments
  • Fix the shortcut +5/-5 seconds which acts a bit randomly
  • Fix blinking comment zone when the video lands on a comment with autopause on
  • Fix glitch on the endroll screen
  • Let users press tab to switch from email to password input

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