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Multi-Language Translation

Released on 
December 19, 2024
New feature

“Oh wow,” your colleague says. “I just had the most amazing sales call.” You jump into the recording and there it is, “Bonjour Patrick, merci de prendre le temps aujourd'hui.” Ooft.

Missing out on great sales calls is frustrating, so we’re fixing that with Multi-Language Translation 🌍.

Automatically translate to 6 different languages

Head to your settings menu to automatically translate your transcripts, summaries, and insights into English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish (more languages coming soon).

Note: You must be an account Admin and have a Business plan to access this feature.

Manually change your meeting language

Take full control of your meetings and never miss a word no matter the lengua franca. Click the globe icon at the top of your screen to translate the transcript, summary and insights.

Try it out

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