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Video Replies say it with video

Released on 
March 2, 2023
New feature
Video collaboration

Reply with videos now available in comment threads

Truth is, comment threads in Claap could become pretty long when you need to give feedback that's a bit hard to deliver with just text. Good news! You can now reply to a thread with a short video 👇

To record your reply, hit the 🎥 icon in your comment thread and start recording. Just like this 👇

We’ve been testing it for a few weeks and here are our top picks to use it:

  • Design feedback. When giving feedback on a design, you often have something specific in mind — shape, colors, workflow — that is easier to show.
  • Code Review. Unlock your teammate with more personal, precise feedback.
  • Sales Coaching. Watching a customer call and want to provide feedback on the best way to pitch a feature? Hit record and show your magic.

Claap Team.

PS: add files in comment is coming soon 😉


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