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6 instructions ChatGPT pour examiner les scripts d'appel des prospects (+ modèles)

Ulysse Wolff
August 6, 2024
Remote Works

Why do you need prospect call scripts?

The 6 different kinds of prospect calls

In the sales environment, a prospect call is a call you make to a prospect with the final objective to close a deal. There are different kinds of prospect calls corresponding to different situations and stages of the sales process:

  • Cold Calls: To initiate contact with prospects who have had no prior interaction with your company.
  • Warm Calls: To engage with prospects who have shown an interest in your product or your company.
  • Follow-Up Calls: To keep the discussion going after an initial contact.
  • Appointment Setting Calls: To book a meeting, a demo, or a consultation with the prospect.
  • Check-In Calls: To maintain relationships with the prospect and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Closing Calls: To finalize the deal.

Why are prospect call scripts important?

Prospect calls are a major part of the sales job. Prospect call scripts help you be prepared to that and have several benefits:

  • Comprehensiveness: Prospect call scripts ensure all the main topics are addressed during prospect calls.
  • Professionalism: Having well-prepared scripts help maintain a high level of professionalism during prospect calls.
  • Consistency: Having standardized scripts maintains consistency in the sales representatives’ message.
  • Clarity: Prospect call scripts make sure sales representatives know what key messages deliver to prospects.
  • Improve Efficiency: Having a script helps sales reps go straight to the point and be more efficient.
  • Objection Handling: Prospect call scripts prepare sales reps to answer common questions and concerns confidently.
  • Facilitated Onboarding: Prospect call scripts make onboarding easy for new sales reps who have documents and templates to handle prospect calls.

Prospect call scripts are crucial for any sales team as it helps increase the overall effectiveness of the sales reps, the engagement of prospects and the conversion rate. In this guide, I’ll explain how to use ChatGPT to generate effective prompts for creating and reviewing prospect call scripts.

How do I Use ChatGPT?

Using ChatGPT to craft effective cold call scripts is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access and utilize this powerful tool:

  1. Access ChatGPT: First, visit the OpenAI website or the platform that hosts the ChatGPT application. You will need to create an account if you haven’t already done so.
  1. Start a New Session: Once logged in, look for an option to start a new chat or session. This is where you’ll input your prompts.
  1. Input Your Prompts: Think about what you want to achieve with your cold call. What are the key points you need to cover? Type these into ChatGPT as prompts. For example, you might enter “introduction for a cold call about a new financial planning service” or “how to ask about current suppliers in a cold call.” Or use one of the prompts in the section below.
  1. Generate Scripts: After inputting your prompt, ChatGPT will process the information and generate a text based on your requirements. This text will be formulated to engage and interest the type of customer you are targeting.
  2. Refine the Script: Once you have the initial script, you can refine it to better suit your voice or the specific needs of your campaign. You might want to tweak the language, add personal touches, or adjust the call to action.
  3. Practice and Implement: Practice the script to ensure it sounds natural when you deliver it. Then, use it in your actual cold calls to see how it performs with real customers.

By following these steps, you can use ChatGPT to create personalized, effective cold call scripts that are designed to convert leads into customers.

What Makes a Good Prospect Call Script?

  • Engaging Opening: The first impression can determine the outcome of the discussion. That’s why your script must start with an engaging opening, using very specific elements (prospect’s name, detail on the company…).
  • High Level of Personalization: Personalized elements must be everywhere in your prospect call script. It shows that you care about the prospect and it builds trust in the relationship. Don’t hesitate to incorporate specific information about the prospect’s business, challenges, or industry.
  • Natural Tone: Your prospect call script should be prepared in a way that allows you to look natural and friendly while talking.
  • Conciseness: Your prospect call script should be concise and straight to the point, focusing on only delivering the most important information clearly and efficiently.
  • Structured Flow: Your prospect call script should look natural and transition smoothly from one section to another.
  • Open-Ended Questions: No matter the stage of the sales process, you should always use open-ended questions. It helps you obtain precious information on your prospect’s needs, goals and pain points.
  • Objection Handling: Your prospect call script should contain a section in which you prepare responses to common objections and concerns your prospect could raise. 
  • Call to Action: Your prospect call script should contain a clear call to action to keep the discussion going (or close the deal).

6 Best Prompts for Generating and Reviewing Prospect Call Scripts

Cold Calls


Generate a cold call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. The script should start with an engaging opening that includes the prospect's name and a detail about their company to immediately capture their attention. Personalize the script by incorporating specific information about the prospect's business, challenges, or industry to demonstrate understanding and build rapport. Maintain a natural and friendly tone throughout the script to establish a comfortable conversation environment. Keep the script concise and straight to the point, focusing on delivering key information efficiently. Structure the flow of the script to transition smoothly from the introduction to discussing the product/service [Product/Service Name] and its top benefit [Top Benefit] in relation to the prospect's potential needs or pain points. Use open-ended questions strategically to uncover the prospect's current challenges, goals, and needs. Include a section for objection handling to prepare responses to common objections or concerns the prospect may raise. End with a clear call to action, such as scheduling a meeting or demo, to keep the conversation moving forward towards a potential sale.


Review the cold call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. Evaluate the script based on the following criteria:

  • Engaging Opening: Does the script start with a compelling and personalized opening that captures the prospect's attention? Does it include specific elements such as the prospect's name and a detail about their company to make a strong first impression?
  • High Level of Personalization: Is the script personalized throughout? Does it demonstrate understanding of the prospect's business, challenges, or industry? Are there personalized touches that build rapport and trust?
  • Natural Tone: Does the script sound natural and conversational? Does it avoid sounding scripted or robotic? Can the salesperson deliver it in a friendly and approachable manner?
  • Conciseness: Is the script concise and to the point? Does it focus on delivering key information efficiently without unnecessary details or jargon?
  • Structured Flow: Does the script flow smoothly from one section to another? Are transitions between introduction, product/service introduction, probing questions, and call to action clear and logical?
  • Open-Ended Questions: Are open-ended questions used effectively to engage the prospect and gather valuable information about their needs, challenges, and goals?
  • Objection Handling: Does the script include a section for handling common objections? Are there prepared responses to address potential concerns the prospect may raise?
  • Call to Action: Does the script end with a clear and compelling call to action? Does it encourage the prospect to take the next step, such as scheduling a meeting or demo?

[Insert your cold call script here]

Provide feedback on each of these aspects of the cold call script to ensure it is well-rounded and optimized for effectively engaging prospects and initiating meaningful conversations.

Warm Calls


Generate a warm call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. The script should start with a warm and personalized greeting, acknowledging the prospect's previous interest in [Product/Service Name] or the company. Mention a specific detail or interaction that indicates their interest, such as a recent inquiry, download, or interaction with marketing content. Reaffirm the value proposition of [Product/Service Name] and how it addresses the prospect's needs or pain points based on their previous interactions or stated interests. Ask open-ended questions to further explore their specific challenges, goals, and current situation. Provide additional information or insights that build on their existing interest and demonstrate your understanding of their needs. Anticipate and address potential objections based on their previous interactions or known concerns. Close with a clear call to action, such as scheduling a demo, discussing a customized solution, or providing more detailed information tailored to their needs. Maintain a friendly and conversational tone throughout the script to continue building rapport and trust.


Review the warm call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. Evaluate the script based on the following criteria:

  • Engaging Opening: Does the script start with a compelling and personalized opening that captures the prospect's attention? Does it include specific elements such as the prospect's name and a detail about their company to make a strong first impression?
  • High Level of Personalization: Is the script personalized throughout? Does it demonstrate understanding of the prospect's business, challenges, or industry? Are there personalized touches that build rapport and trust?
  • Natural Tone: Does the script sound natural and conversational? Does it avoid sounding scripted or robotic? Can the salesperson deliver it in a friendly and approachable manner?
  • Conciseness: Is the script concise and to the point? Does it focus on delivering key information efficiently without unnecessary details or jargon?
  • Structured Flow: Does the script flow smoothly from one section to another? Are transitions between introduction, product/service introduction, probing questions, and call to action clear and logical?
  • Open-Ended Questions: Are open-ended questions used effectively to engage the prospect and gather valuable information about their needs, challenges, and goals?
  • Objection Handling: Does the script include a section for handling common objections? Are there prepared responses to address potential concerns the prospect may raise?
  • Call to Action: Does the script end with a clear and compelling call to action? Does it encourage the prospect to take the next step, such as scheduling a meeting or demo?

[Insert your warm call script here]

Provide feedback on each of these aspects of the warm call script to ensure it is well-rounded and optimized for effectively engaging prospects and initiating meaningful conversations.

Follow-Up Calls


Generate a follow-up call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. The script should start with a warm greeting and a brief reference to the previous interaction or meeting with the prospect. Express appreciation for their time and interest shown so far. Recap key points discussed during the initial contact to refresh their memory. Reaffirm the value proposition of [Product/Service Name] and how it aligns with the prospect's needs or challenges discussed previously. Ask open-ended questions to gather updates on any developments since your last conversation, such as changes in priorities or new challenges they might be facing. Provide additional insights or information that address any specific concerns or questions that arose during the initial contact. Anticipate and handle any potential objections that may have arisen since the last conversation. Close by summarizing the next steps and proposing a clear action item, such as scheduling a follow-up meeting or providing a proposal. Maintain a professional yet friendly tone throughout the script to continue building rapport and trust.


Review the follow-up call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. Evaluate the script based on the following criteria:

  • Engaging Opening: Does the script start with a compelling and personalized opening that captures the prospect's attention? Does it include specific elements such as the prospect's name and a detail about their company to make a strong first impression?
  • High Level of Personalization: Is the script personalized throughout? Does it demonstrate understanding of the prospect's business, challenges, or industry? Are there personalized touches that build rapport and trust?
  • Natural Tone: Does the script sound natural and conversational? Does it avoid sounding scripted or robotic? Can the salesperson deliver it in a friendly and approachable manner?
  • Conciseness: Is the script concise and to the point? Does it focus on delivering key information efficiently without unnecessary details or jargon?
  • Structured Flow: Does the script flow smoothly from one section to another? Are transitions between introduction, product/service introduction, probing questions, and call to action clear and logical?
  • Open-Ended Questions: Are open-ended questions used effectively to engage the prospect and gather valuable information about their needs, challenges, and goals?
  • Objection Handling: Does the script include a section for handling common objections? Are there prepared responses to address potential concerns the prospect may raise?
  • Call to Action: Does the script end with a clear and compelling call to action? Does it encourage the prospect to take the next step, such as scheduling a meeting or demo?

[Insert your follow-up call script here]

Provide feedback on each of these aspects of the follow-up call script to ensure it is well-rounded and optimized for effectively engaging prospects and initiating meaningful conversations.

Appointment Setting Calls


Generate an appointment setting call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. The script should start with a warm and professional greeting, addressing the prospect by name. Remind the prospect of your previous interactions or interests they have shown in [Product/Service Name] to establish context. Briefly summarize the key benefits and value propositions of [Product/Service Name] that are relevant to their needs or challenges. Ask a qualifying question to confirm their interest and readiness to move forward with a meeting, demo, or consultation. Offer specific dates and times for the appointment, providing options for flexibility to accommodate their schedule. Handle any potential objections or concerns they may have about the appointment, such as timing or agenda. Reiterate the potential benefits of the meeting, demo, or consultation to reinforce the value they will receive. Close with a clear call to action, requesting confirmation of the appointment time and ensuring they have all the necessary information for the meeting. Maintain a friendly and confident tone throughout the script to build rapport and encourage a positive response.


Review the appointment setting call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. Evaluate the script based on the following criteria:

  • Engaging Opening: Does the script start with a compelling and personalized opening that captures the prospect's attention? Does it include specific elements such as the prospect's name and a detail about their company to make a strong first impression?
  • High Level of Personalization: Is the script personalized throughout? Does it demonstrate understanding of the prospect's business, challenges, or industry? Are there personalized touches that build rapport and trust?
  • Natural Tone: Does the script sound natural and conversational? Does it avoid sounding scripted or robotic? Can the salesperson deliver it in a friendly and approachable manner?
  • Conciseness: Is the script concise and to the point? Does it focus on delivering key information efficiently without unnecessary details or jargon?
  • Structured Flow: Does the script flow smoothly from one section to another? Are transitions between introduction, product/service introduction, probing questions, and call to action clear and logical?
  • Open-Ended Questions: Are open-ended questions used effectively to engage the prospect and gather valuable information about their needs, challenges, and goals?
  • Objection Handling: Does the script include a section for handling common objections? Are there prepared responses to address potential concerns the prospect may raise?
  • Call to Action: Does the script end with a clear and compelling call to action? Does it encourage the prospect to take the next step, such as scheduling a meeting or demo?

[Insert your appointment setting call script here]

Provide feedback on each of these aspects of the appointment setting call script to ensure it is well-rounded and optimized for effectively engaging prospects and initiating meaningful conversations.

Check-In Calls


Generate a check-in call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. The script should start with a warm and friendly greeting, addressing the prospect by name. Express genuine interest in their well-being and satisfaction since their last interaction with [Product/Service Name]. Recap the key points discussed during your previous interactions to refresh their memory. Inquire about their experience with [Product/Service Name] since then, focusing on any feedback or concerns they may have shared previously. Listen actively to their responses and acknowledge any challenges or successes they mention. Offer assistance or solutions to address any issues they raise, demonstrating your commitment to their satisfaction. Provide updates on relevant developments or improvements with [Product/Service Name] that may benefit them. Seek opportunities for upselling or cross-selling if appropriate, based on their current needs or usage of the product/service. Close the call by expressing gratitude for their time and feedback, and confirm any follow-up actions if necessary. Maintain a professional yet friendly tone throughout the call to reinforce your relationship and ensure a positive customer experience.


Review the check-in call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. Evaluate the script based on the following criteria:

  • Engaging Opening: Does the script start with a compelling and personalized opening that captures the prospect's attention? Does it include specific elements such as the prospect's name and a detail about their company to make a strong first impression?
  • High Level of Personalization: Is the script personalized throughout? Does it demonstrate understanding of the prospect's business, challenges, or industry? Are there personalized touches that build rapport and trust?
  • Natural Tone: Does the script sound natural and conversational? Does it avoid sounding scripted or robotic? Can the salesperson deliver it in a friendly and approachable manner?
  • Conciseness: Is the script concise and to the point? Does it focus on delivering key information efficiently without unnecessary details or jargon?
  • Structured Flow: Does the script flow smoothly from one section to another? Are transitions between introduction, product/service introduction, probing questions, and call to action clear and logical?
  • Open-Ended Questions: Are open-ended questions used effectively to engage the prospect and gather valuable information about their needs, challenges, and goals?
  • Objection Handling: Does the script include a section for handling common objections? Are there prepared responses to address potential concerns the prospect may raise?
  • Call to Action: Does the script end with a clear and compelling call to action? Does it encourage the prospect to take the next step, such as scheduling a meeting or demo?

[Insert your check-in call script here]

Provide feedback on each of these aspects of the check-in call script to ensure it is well-rounded and optimized for effectively engaging prospects and initiating meaningful conversations.

Closing Calls


Generate a closing call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. The script should start with a confident and professional greeting, addressing the prospect by name. Recap the key points of your previous discussions and interactions to reaffirm their interest in [Product/Service Name]. Highlight the specific benefits and value propositions that resonate most with the prospect based on previous conversations. Confirm their readiness to move forward with the purchase decision by asking a closing question, such as 'Are you ready to proceed with implementing [Product/Service Name]?' Handle any remaining objections or concerns they may have by addressing them directly and providing reassurances or additional information as needed. Discuss pricing, terms, or any contractual details clearly and transparently. If necessary, negotiate terms or offer incentives to encourage the prospect to make a decision. Close the call with a clear call to action, such as 'Shall we proceed with the contract?' or 'When would be a good time to finalize the details?' Ensure to confirm next steps, such as sending over documents or scheduling a follow-up meeting to sign the agreement. Express gratitude for their time and consideration, and reinforce your commitment to their satisfaction. Maintain a confident and professional tone throughout the call to inspire confidence and encourage a positive decision.


Review the closing call script for a salesperson named [Salesperson Name] in the [Industry] industry. Evaluate the script based on the following criteria:

  • Engaging Opening: Does the script start with a compelling and personalized opening that captures the prospect's attention? Does it include specific elements such as the prospect's name and a detail about their company to make a strong first impression?
  • High Level of Personalization: Is the script personalized throughout? Does it demonstrate understanding of the prospect's business, challenges, or industry? Are there personalized touches that build rapport and trust?
  • Natural Tone: Does the script sound natural and conversational? Does it avoid sounding scripted or robotic? Can the salesperson deliver it in a friendly and approachable manner?
  • Conciseness: Is the script concise and to the point? Does it focus on delivering key information efficiently without unnecessary details or jargon?
  • Structured Flow: Does the script flow smoothly from one section to another? Are transitions between introduction, product/service introduction, probing questions, and call to action clear and logical?
  • Open-Ended Questions: Are open-ended questions used effectively to engage the prospect and gather valuable information about their needs, challenges, and goals?
  • Objection Handling: Does the script include a section for handling common objections? Are there prepared responses to address potential concerns the prospect may raise?
  • Call to Action: Does the script end with a clear and compelling call to action? Does it encourage the prospect to take the next step, such as scheduling a meeting or demo?

[Insert your closing call script here]

Provide feedback on each of these aspects of the closing call script to ensure it is well-rounded and optimized for effectively engaging prospects and initiating meaningful conversations.needs and the capabilities of [Product/Service Name], and ask if they can see how it can effectively support their goals.

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