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Project Launch

Written by 
Max Gayler
Product Management

Ah, the Project Launch Meeting - the grand opening, the stepping stone, the nerve-center of the business beast. The place where the dreams are unfolded, the blueprint is unveiled, and the path to glory is charted out.

But let's be honest, more often than not, these meetings can be synonymous with 'chaos,' 'confusion,' and the dreaded 'I thought you were taking care of that' moment.

What is a Project Launch Meeting?

Imagine a symphony orchestra. Each musician plays a distinct part, but they all need to tune up before the conductor lifts the baton. That tuning session? That's your Project Launch Meeting. It's the kick-off event where everyone involved gets on the same page about project objectives, timelines, roles, and responsibilities.

This meeting should happen right before the wheels of your project start turning, and yes, it's as important as the project itself.

Why should I have a Project Launch Meeting?

Think of it like this - would you set off on a cross-country road trip without a map, or better yet, GPS? Unless you're an adrenaline junkie who loves taking chances, you'd likely want to plan your route. The Project Launch Meeting is the GPS for your project.

It provides clarity, establishes expectations, and builds alignment within the team, whether you're a remote workforce battling time zones or an in-office squad sharing the same pot of coffee. It's the meeting that turns the 'me' into 'we,' uniting everyone towards a common goal.

Doing it live: How to supercharge your Project Launch Meeting

Now, here's where the magic happens - live meetings. There's something invigorating about the immediate exchange of ideas and on-the-spot problem-solving. It's like a brain-booster shot that stimulates creativity and collective thinking.

However, these live meetings can also turn into unstructured brainstorming sessions, and you might find yourself running a never-ending meeting.

But here's how you can supercharge them - by using Claap! Begin by setting an agenda and sharing it with the team. This ensures everyone comes prepared, knowing what to expect. Then, when the meeting starts, record it with Claap. Pin key moments to timestamp important points which you can refer back to in the recording and even get a transcript of who said what. This is a game-changer for keeping your meeting focused, efficient, and dare I say it, enjoyable.

If you use Google Meet: (1).gif

1. Click on the extension

Make sure you’ve downloaded our Chrome extension and you’ll have a new record button in your Google Meet. Important: You don’t need to be the organizer to start recording the meeting but make sure to name someone in charge of it that is also going to highlight key moments.

2. Highlight/pin key moments to help people catchup easily

Whenever something important happens and you want to leave a reminder to rewatch a certain section, whoever started the recording can click on the pin icon on the control panel and mark timestamps that’ll appear in your final recording. Discussing sensitive information you’d rather not record? It’s easy to pause and unpause your meeting any time using the icons in the control panel too. (3).gif

3. Share your claap

Once your meetings over, share the link to your recording or invite your teammates from your workspace. We recommend creating a dedicated topic with your team so anyone can easily find the recording without having to invite people every time.

4. Read the transcript and leave comments

If someone said something interesting in the meeting and you want to find that moment, all you have to do is check the transcript. Every claap is transcribed automatically so you can find the important moments faster. Then you and your team can leave comments, create threads, and collaborate directly from the recording.


1. Record the meeting using Zoom

When you start your meeting, click the “Record” button in the control panel. When your meeting finishes, it’ll automatically be saved into your Zoom account, ready to be uploaded into Claap.

2. Connect your Zoom account

Easily import your recordings into dedicated topics and start collaborating on all your Zoom meetings. Just click on the “Upload video” option and then click on the Zoom icon. You’ll then be able to choose from all your Zoom recordings and bring in the videos you need.

3. Read the transcript and leave comments

Just like meeting recordings, all your screen recordings are transcribed automatically. That means your team get to find the moments they need faster. Once you know the areas you want to tackle, you and your team can leave comments, create threads, and collaborate directly from the recording.

When you can’t make it: How to have an asynchronous Project Launch Meeting

Yet, we live in a world where scheduling can be as tricky as solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded. The solution? Asynchronous Project Launch Meetings. Replace your 30-minute meetings with 3-minute claaps, and voila, no one misses out on the crucial launch discussion. The attendees can view the video, explore transcripts, and browse through AI-powered notes at their convenience.

For example, your lead developer in Australia can go straight to the part of the meeting relevant to them, pause it to make notes, and even use video annotations to ask questions or provide input in one centralized space. This ensures that everyone stays in the loop, regardless of their schedules, while also allowing for thoughtful, well-considered input from all team members.


Download either the Chrome extension or desktop app. Then all you have to do is click on the Claap icon to name your video, adjust your settings, and start recording.


We feel you… recording yourself can be a bit daunting even if it’s just your screen. Here’s some of our top tips to come in confident, efficient AND effective.

  1. Start with the goal and briefly explain what you’re going to say in one or two sentences. It helps people follow you easily.
  2. Dive into details. Don’t forget to zoom in if it’s something more visual so it’s easy to watch. You don’t want people squinting at their screen.
  3. Pin key moments when you expect feedback so people can react easily. People often forget to make it clear what they expect.
  4. Share it in Slack, Notion, or in a topic to keep your centralized spaces centralized. All you have to do is paste the link and it populates automatically.

NOTE: If this is a recurring meeting with multiple stakeholders, we recommend using a dedicated topic where you can organize your video content.

  1. Don’t forget to mention people if you expect precise feedback. We like to add “FYI” in front of messages that don’t need any response.
  2. If you need feedback from many stakeholders, use polls. Nobody is going to read comment threads that go on forever. Keep things simple and get everyone involved.
  3. If you need more precise feedback, use file attachments or video replies. It’ll help you save a lot of back and forth.
  4. If you need to reply quickly to feedback you get, we recommend installing the Claap App in Slack so you receive and reply to comments directly from there.

How to have sync and async Project Launch Meetings together

The real magic happens when you combine the best of both worlds - synchronous and asynchronous meetings. Not just a hybrid approach, but an approach as adaptive and unique as your project. Kick off the meeting live on Claap, allowing real-time discussions and instant idea exchange. Then, record the meeting for those who couldn't make it, allowing them to catch up later and share their thoughts.

This way, you leverage the immediacy of live meetings while accommodating the diverse schedules of a global team, all the while fostering an environment of inclusivity and cohesion. And remember, the more perspectives you have, the more robust your project becomes. So, what are you waiting for? Start making a Claap today, and let your Project Launch Meeting be the success story everyone talks about!


  1. Start with a preview to share retro outcomes and identify hot topics: Use Claap's screen recording to post your retro. Send it to your teammates so they can watch it and add comments. Comments help identify where a longer discussion is needed. Use unresolved threads to prepare your next meeting agenda.
    Tip: Click on 📶 Views to check that all your teammates have watched your update
  2. Followup with a meeting to brainstorm key topics: If anyone missed your meeting or if anybody needs to remind themselves of something that was said, recording your meetings with Claap keeps a trackable log of everything you’ve seen, said, and heard. Discuss unresolved threads in followup meetings and only invite people that are involved to keep the discussion efficient.
  3. Share the meeting recording: This way, action items are easily shared with other stakeholders. And if a decision isn’t clear, they can access the discussion to quickly get context and ask questions.

Project Launch Meeting Agenda

Section 1: Welcome & Ice Breaker (3 minutes)

A friendly, energetic start sets the right tone. Kick off with a brief welcome, thank the team for their time, and throw in a quick icebreaker to lighten up the atmosphere. The aim here is to make everyone comfortable and enthusiastic about the meeting.

Section 2: Project Overview (5 minutes)

Dive straight into the heart of the matter. Provide a concise overview of the project, its objectives, and why it's important. This segment should clearly define the 'what' and 'why' of your project.

Section 3: Role Clarification (5 minutes)

To avoid any future 'I thought you were doing that' moments, take time to explicitly outline each team member's role and responsibilities. It's crucial that everyone understands not only their tasks but how their work fits into the larger project.

Section 4: Timeline & Key Milestones (7 minutes)

Go over the project timeline, emphasizing key milestones and deadlines. This section should answer the 'when' of your project. Use Claap’s timeline feature to visualize important dates so they can be easily referenced later.

Section 5: Risk Assessment & Mitigation (5 minutes)

Identify potential roadblocks and discuss contingency plans. It's always better to be proactive than reactive. Foster an open dialogue about potential challenges and solutions to build a resilient team prepared for anything.

Section 6: Tools & Resources (3 minutes)

Briefly go over the tools, resources, and software the team will use throughout the project. Highlight how to use Claap to record meetings, timestamp important decisions, and annotate video for future reference.

Section 7: Questions & Clarifications (2 minutes)

Before you wrap up, open the floor for questions and clarifications. This is an opportunity for team members to voice any concerns or ask for additional information.


1. How do you make a Project Launch Meeting engaging and effective?

A: To make a Project Launch Meeting engaging and effective, focus on fostering an interactive and open atmosphere. This means encouraging questions, discussion, and idea-sharing. Tools like Claap can significantly enhance the interactive element by offering features like video annotation and timestamping for improved engagement.

2. What should the Project Manager do in a Project Launch Meeting?

A: The Project Manager plays a crucial role in a Project Launch Meeting. They should drive the conversation, provide clarity on the project's objectives, clarify each team member's roles, and discuss key milestones and timelines. Additionally, they should encourage an open dialogue about potential risks and mitigation strategies.

3. How can a Project Launch Meeting contribute to project success?

A: A well-conducted Project Launch Meeting helps lay a solid foundation for project success. It ensures alignment of all team members, clarifies roles and responsibilities, and sets clear expectations. Moreover, it allows for early identification and mitigation of potential risks, ultimately contributing to smoother project execution.

4. How can tools like Claap enhance a Project Launch Meeting?

A: Tools like Claap significantly enhance Project Launch Meetings by offering unique features that facilitate better communication and documentation. For instance, with Claap, you can record meetings, timestamp important decisions, and annotate video for future reference, thus ensuring no crucial information is lost or overlooked.

5. Can we conduct Project Launch Meetings remotely and how?

A: Absolutely! With the rise of remote work, conducting Project Launch Meetings remotely has become the norm. Digital tools like Claap enable you to run both synchronous and asynchronous meetings, accommodating diverse schedules and ensuring everyone stays in the loop. By recording meetings, teams can catch up at their convenience, thus enhancing inclusivity and collaboration.

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