Hi, I'm Paal
Your new AI sales assistant
The AI field sales companion that helps you close 35% more deals by capturing in-person conversations and scaling winning tactics.
Trusted by 1,000+ high-growth companies to drive sales excellence
Here's how it works
Automatically capture any sales conversations using the Claap mobile app.
Turn conversations into insights with AI summaries and speaker insights.
Clone your top performers with a library of best practices and 24/7 AI coaching.
See Paal in action
The AI Field Coach That
remembers everything
Turn Individual wins Into Team Success
Build a searchable library of field sales best practices. Create role-specific training channels for different products, organize real examples by customer type, location, or sales situation, and enable experienced reps to share tips and annotations on real field interactions.
Say goodbye to boring ridealongs
A reliable AI assistant that works offline, only records when you're talking, and tags the location of each recording.
Our results speak for themselves
We managed to cut 20% of our meetings with Claap. It’s been instrumental to balance efficient meetings for creative review and culture with recorded videos for overall efficiency, async working across time zones, collaboration, and a record of agreements.
I think it was really a game changer. Everything is easier and you waste less time. The workload after a call where you need to prepare things and think through what you have to do was divided in two.
I've managed to shorten my sales cycle because I replace 30-minute meetings with prospects with three five-minute videos. I've literally seen ten days just fall off of that process and allow me to go quicker.