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How Join Clones Their Top Sales Reps with Claap

Jonathan Szwarc
CEO & Co-Founder


Jonathan Szwarc founded Join in 2018 with his Co-Founder, Nicolas Gaudemont. He leads the sales teams and all things revenue as Join works to support companies like L'Oreal, Garnier, and Carrefour.

These days, every winning sales team is looking at automation. From bootstrapped startups to breakout unicorns with 9-figure investment, post-meeting admin and sales training are paramount when it comes to architecting the perfect sales team.

For Join, a leading SaaS platform that helps e-commerce business connect with their consumers with Web Stories, their growth relies heavily on a well-performing sales team. So when their CEO and Co-Founder John Szwarc was deciding on the best tool to arm his team with, he was looking for something that worked fast.

Join empowers e-commerce managers and C-level executives in small to large companies. Founded in 2020, Join quickly established itself as a critical tool that brings in more than 2.5 million views per month for e-commerce businesses like L’Oreal, Garnier, and Carrefour. With a team of 30 and looking to expand thanks to a rapidly growing customer base, Join faced the challenge of streamlining sales operations while ensuring customer retention and satisfaction.

The Problem: Managing Sales Workflows, Ensuring Client Retention, and Keeping Costs Down

Managing sales workflows, retaining clients, and keeping operational costs down isn’t easy.  Szwarc highlights the core issues: "The most difficult part of the process is hiring new sales people and motivating them."

Initially, Join was using Modjo for their sales calls, but the cost wasn’t working for them. "I was using Mojo, but it was too expensive." This led the company to seek a more cost-effective solution that could streamline their sales processes and ensure crucial information was not lost. Jonathan emphasized the importance of thorough documentation, saying, "To me, when something is not recorded or not written, it doesn't exist."

The Solution: Claap's Seamless Integration and Simplified Call Recording

Switching to Claap proved to be a game-changer for Join. The ease of use and seamless integration of Claap made it an ideal choice for their sales team.

Salespeople are very strange animals. So if you're not making it really easy to record the call then they won't do it. With Claap it’s one click, you record, and you're done.

Claap was initially brought into the company by the product and tech team, but its benefits soon became apparent company-wide, and made sense as a way to consolidate their tool stack and clear runway.

As this widespread adoption highlighted Claap's versatility and efficiency, Szwarc made the decision to step away from Modjo, and run all their meetings and video recording through Claap.

Claap was used by the product and tech team originally. We were not using it that much, but we were using it. And then when we did the switch, it was used by everyone. I just go on Slack, I write the name of the meeting I want, and then I jump into it.

Integration with other tools like Slack further enhanced Claap's utility.  This streamlined approach made accessing and reviewing call recordings incredibly efficient. Jonathan also praised Claap's effectiveness in modern communication.

Claap is the best way in 2024 to explain something in a visual way to someone. By recording your call or recording yourself, and then sending a URL, it’s definitely the most effective way to send information through email and Slack.

Diverse Use Cases: Enhancing Team Collaboration, Training, and Prospective Client Outreach

Claap's capabilities extend beyond simple call recording, significantly enhancing team collaboration, training, and client outreach.

I really do a lot of call reviews and I also ask my sales leader to take time to review calls. And so it's very easy to comment, put an emoji and all that stuff. So to say, 'look, you said that, you should say that and very good point on that topic.' I mean, just the fact of commenting. It’s a great feature.

Claap’s ability to turn 30-minute calls into a 30-second read via AI summaries proved particularly useful for focusing on critical parts of sales calls.

So definitely the summary part is something interesting for us. When I arrive on a call I can jump into the part that interests me the most because as a salesperson, you repeat a lot of stuff. And so when I know that this is the discovery part or the product demo... I can sit down with the sales rep and focus on the closing part, the negotiation part, or the pain point part of the clients.

Claap also played a crucial role in nurturing prospects and client engagement. Scwarz and his team use Claap to maintain contact between calls, nurture warm leads, and keep a constant availability to create a 24/7 sales cycle without keeping his team on call all night.

When they want to nurture the prospect between one call and another, they send a claap. It really helps us to show the value of our product or with the face of the people explaining it. We are a 100% visual tool and product so that makes a lot of sense.

In addition to direct sales communication, Claap became a vital tool for product demoing and training.

When someone doesn't really understand a feature in the product and we don't have a claap recorded, because we also have a library of how to use each feature, they can make a claap and send it to the client, which is definitely way more effective than an email or just some other solution.

The customer success team also benefited from Claap. Jonathan noted. Additionally, Claap was used during onboarding for mid-market and enterprise clients, providing a consistent and thorough training resource.

Our Customer Success team leader Clara is using Claap with her team. So for the small SMB accounts, we don't have a CSM dedicated to those accounts. So that's why they have a library of ‘how to’ videos. At the end of the onboarding session for mid-market and enterprise deals, we also send them a claap saying, 'okay, we can show you the onboarding live in a meeting, but this is also a video if you want to watch how to use each feature.

THE RESULT: Improved Sales Efficiency and Reduced Admin Overhead

The implementation of Claap led to substantial improvements in sales efficiency and a reduction in administrative tasks. The integration with Slack played a crucial role in this transformation.

What is interesting with Slack is that every time a salesperson is finishing a call, the call appears in the right Slack channel. And so as a sales guy, you see the other sales rep finishing a call and another call and another call. And so it really pushes you to do more calls because if you see your friends boom, boom, boom all day, you're like, ‘what the f***?’ As the calls are arriving on the channel, everyone on the sales team can jump on it and see it.

Claap also provided clarity and insight into sales calls, helping to identify and address issues more effectively.

When the sales has a question concerning a deal and wants to be helped, when you have a claap you know exactly what the problem is. They say yeah the call was amazing but don't understand why they didn’t sign up. And you realize that no the call was not good. They didn't put the timing, they didn't put the right pricing. With Claap, you can target the real problem. Just before this call I was sitting down with one of our sales guys and we were reviewing one of his calls through Claap. And so it's a tool for me to do that with him.

THE DIFFERENCE: One Unified Tool for Sales, Customer Success, and Internal Communication

Claap's ability to serve multiple departments within Join made it an indispensable tool. Its transparency and ease of use fostered a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

It's fully transparent. You do a good call, you can see it. You do a bad call, everyone is going to see it also.

Operations were streamlined to ensure consistency in how calls were recorded and reviewed. Now, Claap is a cornerstone of not just their sales process, but every department in the business.

We really want all the people in the company using the same product to record the call. And so there is not only the sales team using Claap, there is also the customer success manager team using it. Everyone in the company is using Claap for all the calls they do. When we do a hiring call, I use Claap. So then I ask my HR manager to review it. So we really want to add one tool for everyone. It's easy for people to understand because it's the same product.


Join's adoption of Claap transformed their sales operations, providing a blueprint for other companies to emulate. By integrating Claap into their daily workflows, Join achieved:

  • Recording Sales Calls: Claap enabled comprehensive review and training, ensuring every team member could learn from each call.
  • AI Summaries: Facilitated tracking of key points and action items, allowing managers to focus on critical parts of the conversation without rewatching the entire call.
  • Slack Integration: Promoted transparency and team motivation, making it easy to access and review calls.
  • Versatile Use: Applied across sales, customer success, and internal communications, ensuring consistent and effective communication throughout the company.

Join's journey with Claap underscores the importance of aligning tools with company values, fostering an environment of continuous improvement, and leveraging technology to enhance team efficiency and client satisfaction. The result was a more efficient, motivated, and cohesive team capable of delivering exceptional results.

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