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The 5 Sales Coaching Techniques for a Top-notch Sales Squad

Yonathan Bellaiche
October 18, 2024
Remote Works

Sales Coaching Techniques: What Can You Expect?

What is sales coaching?

Sales coaching is an ongoing, personalized process aimed at developing each team member's unique skills and potential. Unlike one-off training events, coaching involves consistent guidance, feedback, and support. When a simple training session might teach the basics of closing techniques, an engaging coaching helps apply these techniques to specific client scenarios, refining the approach over time.

The role of a sales coach

As a sales coach, you should wear multiple hats. You're a mentor, sharing knowledge gained from your own experience. You're a motivator, inspiring your team to push beyond their comfort zones. And you're a strategist, helping your reps navigate complex sales landscapes and approaching high-value prospects.

If a coach has to work with reps individually, he should also be able to provide comprehensive advice, for instance about the organization of the working day and the mindset for selling. Your job as a sales coach consists in helping your team overcome common challenges they will inevitably encounter during their sales calls, like giving them some advice about how to handle objections

Transformative benefits of effective sales coaching

The impact of well-implemented sales coaching techniques can be truly transformative for your business. Teams that receive consistent, quality coaching often see significant improvements in key performance indicators, in particular closing rates, customer satisfaction scores or sales cycle length. Overall, it has been shown that effective sales coaching can increase sales performance by 8%

Moreover, coaching fosters a culture of continuous improvement and focuses on reps' well-being, leading to higher job satisfaction and even lower turnover rates among your sales force.

How to Measure Sales Coaching Effectiveness

  • Assessing your team's current performance:

Before implementing new sales coaching techniques, you should try to establish a baseline of your team's performance, by analyzing key metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, sales cycle length, and customer retention rates. Thus you will be able to focus on the most important starting points of improvement for your team.

  • Setting SMART goals for your sales coaching program:

Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for your coaching program. This gives you a clear target to work towards and measure against.

  • Creating a structured coaching schedule:

This coaching schedule should include regular one-on-one short coaching sessions (for instance, weekly), team training workshops (less frequently), and sometimes performance review meetings for everyone.

  • Measuring and tracking coaching effectiveness:

The key performance indicators you identified in your initial assessment need to be regularly reviewed, in line with your goals. Here, qualitative measures (such as rep confidence levels, client feedback, or peer recognition) and implementing a coaching effectiveness survey (to gather feedback from your reps on the impact of your coaching techniques) might be useful. 

Sales Coaching Techniques: the 5 Secrets You Should Know

1. Record and review sales calls

One of the most powerful sales coaching techniques is the practice of recording and reviewing sales calls. This method provides a goldmine of insights for both coach and rep. 

By analyzing real interactions, you can identify specific areas for improvement, such as handling objections more effectively or improving product knowledge.

But it will also allow you to focus your coaching efforts on strengthening their confidence and skills. You can at the same time track keywords, identify market trends, and share the most successful calls to all your reps - and this can also accelerate onboarding for new ones.

And if you want to start recording your sales calls and improve your coaching easily, you should try Claap and its powered-AI tools.  

2. Learn how to properly provide feedback

Mastering the art of feedback is a critical component of effective sales coaching techniques: you need to give your rep clear direction for improvement. Thus constructive feedback should be specific, timely, and actionable.

You can also encourage your reps to have some feedback between them and to share their experience in team meetings. Creating a culture where both failures and successes are openly discussed and learned from is a vital sales coaching technique. This approach will also fosterr a supportive environment and promote collective learning.

And if feedback still seems obscure, check out this article to demystify feedback sessions! 

3. Upgrade your sales training sessions

Modern sales coaching techniques involve creating engaging, interactive training sessions. The point at stake is to make learning more enjoyable and to help your reps being focus and retain information better. Indeed, instead of lecture-style presentations, incorporate role-playing exercises, real-world case studies, and even gamification elements.

Moreover, some simple tools can be useful. If you want to conduct effective coaching sessions and ensure consistency and focus across each coaching interaction, you should also try to build a coaching template that will make the difference. Using a sales coaching software can also strongly improve your coaching performance. See here what we consider to be the 5 best free sales coaching softwares you could use. You can also give a try to video sales coaching to create impactful coaching sessions - that can in addition be rewatched on demand, which will make it even more accessible for your reps.

4. Encourage autonomy


Leaving some autonomy for your reps in coaching is the best way to empower them to take ownership of their own development. First, you can encourage self-reflection by teaching your reps to critically assess their own performance. You should then provide them with a structured self-evaluation form that covers key aspects of their role - this might include sections on pre-call planning, question quality, listening skills, and closing techniques.

Personalized goals and progressive action plan

To ensure that your reps feel at ease and that the method is effective, each team member should be guided in setting personalized (ambitious yet achievable) goals. Personalizing goals ensures that each rep is motivated by targets that resonate with their individual aspirations and development needs.

Then, work with them to create step-by-step plans for reaching their own goals (for instance, starting with mastering a new sales methodology, then applying it to small accounts, and gradually working up to larger, more complex deals). 

Hold your rep accountable

However, you should remember that accountability is key to keeping your reps engaged in the coaching process. Regular check-ins, progress reports, and open discussions about challenges and successes help keep your reps on track - for example, you could try to implement weekly one-on-one meetings where reps can discuss any roadblocks they're facing, and commit to specific actions for the coming week.

5. Take care of your team

Focus on your teams’ well-being

Since sales jobs are particularly demanding, you should also focus on your teams’ well-being if you want the precise methods you teach them to be effective. You first need to create boundaries for your team, with clear work hours for sales calls. Sales managers must also earn reps’ trust - for instance, you could share with them your personal story as a salesperson, the mistakes and struggles, to make the pressure drop.

Offer professional development opportunities

Lastly, investing in your team's growth can be another lever to gain skills and motivate teams. This could involve sponsoring attendance at industry conferences, providing access to online learning platforms, or organizing internal workshops led by top performers. For instance, you might send a promising rep to an advanced negotiation skills seminar, or have your top closer lead a workshop on their winning strategies.

Use Claap to Make your Sales Coaching Go to the Next Level 

Just take a look at the first three techniques we mentioned above: recording and reviewing sales calls, providing useful feedback, and upgrading sales training sessions. Did you know you could just master these three techniques with Claap? Then, if you use our four last tips - which concern team management - you should become the best sales coach ever!

What is Claap ?

Claap is an all-in-one video platform that helps you record your meetings, store them in a single place and give precise feedback to your team. It combines a wide range of solutions to effectively coach your sales teams, unifying your meeting recording, screen recording, webcam recording, and video wiki in a single video workspace (with audio and video transcriptions). Claap can make AI-generated notes and summaries according to a desired template, and also provides an all-in-one video library to store your sales videos and collaborate with your teams.

Gaining time in sales coaching with Claap

With Claap, your sales coaching can become way more efficient. 

As a sales manager, you can get conversation insights for every call of your team instead of spending a lot of time to review it, and you can also provide them direct feedback. Indeed, with Claap’s AI sales coaching software, you’ll be able to review sales conversations 50x faster than you would without, record and edit training videos in seconds, and even build your own powerful library of best practices. 

Give Claap a try with a 14-days FREE trial.

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