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Automatically embed Claap videos in your knowledge base.

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Confluence is a collaborative knowledge hub developed by Atlassian. It is typically used for project management, knowledge sharing, and more broadly as a corporate wiki. It provides a centralized service for users to collaborate, create, organize, and discuss work with their teams.

Key features of Confluence include Pages and Space, Templates, Editing and Collaboration, Integration, Search and Versioning.


The Confluence integration helps you embed Claap videos in your Confluence knowledge base in one click.

Create more interactive training with videos and easily embed them in your Confluence pages.

How to use

To embed a Claap video in Confluence, you just need to copy-paste the link in Confluence.

You can open the video in fullscreen and directly comment on it without leaving Confluence.

The Confluence integration is recommended if you’re using Claap to document processes, record training sessions or enrich your onboarding programs.

To use Claap with Confluence, you will need to download the Chrome extension.

Learn more

More information about the Confluence integration is available in our documentation.

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