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Automatically embed Claap videos in your Jira issues.

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Jira is an issue tracking product developed by Atlassian that allows bug tracking and agile project management. It's widely used by software development teams, but also by other types of teams for project management and issue tracking.

Jira comes with various features including Issue Tracking, Project Management,  Reports and Dashboards and Customizable workflows.


The Jira integration helps you embed Claap videos in Jira issues in one click.

Easily provide more details about your product specs or easily report a bug with Claap.

How to use

To embed a Claap video in Jira, you just need to copy-paste the link in Jira.

You can open the video in fullscreen and directly comment on it without leaving Jira.

The Jira integration is recommended if you’re using Claap for code reviews, give more context around product specs or report a bug with your screen recording.

To use Claap with Jira, you will need to download the Chrome extension.

Learn more

More information about the Jira integration is available in our documentation.

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