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Embed Claap videos in your Notion pages to provide more context on a project.

This integration allows you to preview and comment on Claap videos without leaving Notion.
How to use
Paste any Claap link into Notion, then select Paste as preview. You can also type /claap in any Notion page and a menu will appear, allowing you to paste links directly.
Best use cases:
- Enrich training and onboarding programs with video content
- Embed meeting recordings with transcript in a Notion database such as user research sessions, customer calls or company all-hands
- Enrich Notion page with a video to provide more context on a product spec or a new project
- Discover how Figures' CEO raised $6.8M seed funding in just 3 weeks using Claap and Notion
If it’s your first time using Claap with Notion, you will be prompted to authorize the integration. Follow the prompts to complete the authorization process. Once authorized, you will see a detailed preview of the linked content
You can also configure this integration in Settings.
Learn more
More information about the Notion integration is available in our documentation.