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The 6 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Sales Proposal: Close More Deals (+ Templates)

Ulysse Wolff
September 9, 2024
Remote Works

What is a Sales Proposal ?

A sales proposal is a document used at the closing stage of the sales process to formalize a proposed solution to a prospect. It presents different aspects such as the detailed procedure, the timeline, the pricing… Being able to create a good sales proposal is crucial as it will significantly increase your closing rate.

What are the Main Sections of a Sales Proposal ?

  • Methodology of the Solution: A sales proposal must explain in detail the process of the offered solution to ensure the client understands it clearly.
  • Scope of Work: The scope of work delineates the specific tasks, deliverables, and responsibilities of both the company and the client. It ensures alignment and clarity regarding the project's scope.
  • Timeline: A sales proposal includes a timeline of operations, to detail the schedule for delivering the proposed solution.
  • Pricing: A sales proposal must contain information about the pricing of the solution in detail, including various conditions, potential discounts, and promotions.
  • Client Benefits and ROI: To convince your clients, a sales proposal should include information on the benefits the client will derive from implementing your solution.
  • Terms and Conditions: The sales proposal should include terms and conditions essential to executing the proposed solution, covering payment terms, warranties, service level agreements, intellectual property rights, and other contractual obligations.

How can ChatGPT Help you Write your Sales Proposal?

  • Time Saving: ChatGPT quickly generates text following the instructions you give, saving you time and effort.
  • Consistency: ChatGPT ensures you keep a consistent tone across the different sections of your sales proposal.
  • Grammar and Style: ChatGPT ensures correct grammar, punctuation, and style which can be really useful if you’re writing in a language that is not your native one.

How do I Use ChatGPT?

Using ChatGPT to craft effective cold call scripts is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access and utilize this powerful tool:

  1. Access ChatGPT: First, visit the OpenAI website or the platform that hosts the ChatGPT application. You will need to create an account if you haven’t already done so.
  1. Start a New Session: Once logged in, look for an option to start a new chat or session. This is where you’ll input your prompts.
  1. Input Your Prompts: Think about what you want to achieve with your cold call. What are the key points you need to cover? Type these into ChatGPT as prompts. For example, you might enter “introduction for a cold call about a new financial planning service” or “how to ask about current suppliers in a cold call.” Or use one of the prompts in the section below.
  1. Generate Scripts: After inputting your prompt, ChatGPT will process the information and generate a text based on your requirements. This text will be formulated to engage and interest the type of customer you are targeting.
  2. Refine the Script: Once you have the initial script, you can refine it to better suit your voice or the specific needs of your campaign. You might want to tweak the language, add personal touches, or adjust the call to action.
  3. Practice and Implement: Practice the script to ensure it sounds natural when you deliver it. Then, use it in your actual cold calls to see how it performs with real customers.

By following these steps, you can use ChatGPT to create personalized, effective cold call scripts that are designed to convert leads into customers.

6 Best Prompts to Write the Ultimate Sales Proposal

In the following sections, I’ll give you the best prompts to give to ChatGPT to create a sales proposal that makes a difference. Before using these prompts, I suggest you find a sales proposal template to fill.

Methodology of the Solution 

Generate a 'Methodology of the Solution' section for a sales proposal in the [Industry] industry. The methodology should be tailored for a client named [Client Name] and should detail the process of implementing the offered solution [Solution Name], which [Brief Description of Solution and its Primary Functionality]. Start with an introduction that outlines the overall approach, then break down the steps involved in the implementation, ensuring to highlight key activities and deliverables at each stage. Explain how these steps address [Client Name]'s specific needs or pain points, and emphasize the benefits of the methodology in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and any unique value propositions. Close the section with a brief summary that reinforces the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Scope of Work

Generate a Scope of Work section for a sales proposal in the [Industry] industry. The scope should be tailored for a client named [Client Name] and should delineate the specific tasks, deliverables, and responsibilities of both the company [Your Company Name] and the client. The project involves [Brief Description of the Project and its Objectives]. Start with an introduction that outlines the project’s objectives and scope. Then, provide a detailed list of tasks and deliverables to be completed by [Your Company Name], including timelines and milestones where applicable, such as [Specific Tasks and Deliverables]. Follow this with a list of responsibilities and contributions expected from [Client Name] to ensure the project's success, such as [Client Responsibilities]. Ensure alignment and clarity regarding the project's scope, emphasizing collaboration and mutual accountability. Close the section with a brief summary that reinforces the importance of clear roles and responsibilities for the project's success.


Generate a Timeline section for a sales proposal in the [Industry] industry. The timeline should be tailored for a client named [Client Name] and should detail the schedule for delivering the proposed solution [Solution Name]. The project involves [Brief Description of the Project and its Objectives]. Start with an introduction that provides an overview of the project timeline, including key phases or milestones. Then, create a detailed timeline that outlines the specific dates or durations for each major task or deliverable, such as [Task 1] from [Start Date] to [End Date], [Task 2] from [Start Date] to [End Date], etc. Ensure to include any critical deadlines or dependencies. Close the section with a summary that emphasizes the commitment to meeting the timeline and flexibility for adjustments if necessary.

Pro Tip: You can use an arrow design to give a visual presentation of your timeline, like the one below.


Generate a Pricing section for a sales proposal in the [Industry] industry. The pricing should be tailored for a client named [Client Name] and should provide a detailed breakdown of the cost for the proposed solution [Solution Name]. Start with an introduction that outlines the overall pricing structure and what is included in the cost. Then, provide a detailed itemized list of costs, such as [Cost Component 1], [Cost Component 2], [Cost Component 3], with corresponding prices or rates. Include information about any conditions that may affect the pricing, such as payment terms, installation fees, or ongoing support costs. Mention any potential discounts or promotions available, such as [Discount Type] for early payment or [Promotion] if the contract is signed by a specific date. Close the section with a summary that reinforces the value of the solution relative to the pricing and any flexibility or additional terms that might apply.

Pro Tip: For this section, don’t hesitate to use a table like the one included in the template I provided before

Client Benefits and ROI

Generate a Client Benefits section for a sales proposal in the [Industry] industry. The section should be tailored for a client named [Client Name] and should detail the specific benefits they will derive from implementing the proposed solution [Solution Name]. Start with an introduction that outlines the key advantages of the solution. Then, provide a detailed list of benefits, such as [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], and [Benefit 3], explaining how each benefit addresses [Client Name]'s specific needs or pain points. Include information on the expected return on investment (ROI), such as projected cost savings, efficiency improvements, or revenue growth. Use quantitative data where possible, such as estimated savings of [$X] per year or a [Y%] increase in productivity. Close the section with a summary that reinforces the overall value of the solution and its impact on the client’s business goals.

Terms and Conditions

Generate a Terms and Conditions section for a sales proposal in the [Industry] industry. The section should be tailored for a client named [Client Name] and should cover essential contractual obligations related to the proposed solution [Solution Name]. Start with an introduction that briefly outlines the purpose of the terms and conditions. Then, provide detailed information on the following key areas:

  • Payment Terms: Specify the payment structure, including payment schedule, methods of payment, and any penalties for late payment. For example, [Payment Terms] such as a 50% upfront payment and 50% upon completion within 30 days.
  • Warranties: Detail any warranties provided for the solution, including the duration and scope of coverage. For example, [Warranty Terms] such as a 12-month warranty covering defects in materials or workmanship.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Outline the agreed service levels, including response times, support hours, and performance metrics. For example, [SLA Terms] such as 24/7 customer support with a maximum response time of 4 hours for critical issues.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Clarify the ownership and usage rights of any intellectual property developed or utilized in the solution. For example, [IP Terms] such as all custom-developed software remains the property of [Your Company Name], with a license granted to [Client Name] for its use.
  • Other Contractual Obligations: Include any additional terms relevant to the execution of the solution, such as confidentiality agreements, termination clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms. For example, [Additional Terms] such as a confidentiality clause protecting proprietary information and a termination clause allowing for contract cancellation with 30 days’ notice.

Close the section with a brief summary that reinforces the importance of these terms and conditions in ensuring a clear and mutually beneficial agreement.

Discover Claap and Boost your Closing Rate by 50%

Claap is an audio and video transcription tool, and a meeting recorder. But Claap is more than that and its comprehensive set of features will help you increase your closing rate more than any sales proposal.

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Claap removes the need of taking notes. And this is a game changer : you can be completely focused on your prospect and then be more impactful. You are also less likely to forget something your interlocutor mentioned… You can even look at the summary generated by Claap to directly spot important elements to keep in mind!

Claap Allows you to be More Efficient

Claap is an asynchronous meeting tool. On Claap’s platform, you can record your screen while having your camera on. This way, you can communicate any information in a 2 to 5 minute video. We call that a claap. 

This is a revolution. Instead of spending 30 mn in a synchronous meeting, you spend 10 mn recording a short video to communicate with your prospect. Then, they can respond to it on Claap’s interface, reacting to it, adding comments… and all that very accurately as they can even select a part of the screen to react to !

Guillaume De Nacquard, from Surfe is using Claap and observed a significant effect on his work:

“Every time I was doing that I had like 40% conversion rates compared to like 3, 4, or 5% with normal approaches.” 

Claap Shortens your Sales Cycle

With Claap, you’re not only more efficient, you’re also able to close more deals as Claap shortens your sales cycle !

As I explained before, you communicate with short videos that you send to your prospects. No need to find a slot that suits your agenda and your prospect’s, and then take 30 mn to 1 hour explaining everything live. To close the deal, a synchronous meeting might be interesting (this way you can use your sales closing questions), but you’ll still save a lot of time on the sales process !

In short, Claap is an amazing tool for a sales team. If you’re not convinced yet, you can test Claap’s features for free for 14 days. Start now, and see the difference ! (Free plan with no credit card required)

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