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7 Best Prompts for Sales Emails: How to Write Winning Messages with AI

Victoire Leveilley
August 6, 2024
Remote Works

Writing sales emails can be tough, but they're a critical part of any sales strategy. Whether you're reaching out to new prospects or nurturing existing relationships, a great sales email can make all the difference.

Since November 2022, Chat GPT has come to your rescue to help you write commercial emails. Don't miss out on AI's invaluable help, and start optimizing your commercial e-mails in no time with our 7 best prompts for sales emails. 

In this article, we'll dive into what makes a sales email effective, how ChatGPT can help you, and we'll share the best prompts for sales emails that you can start using today.

What is a Sales Email?

So, what exactly is a sales email? Simply put, it's an email sent to a potential or existing customer with the goal of promoting a product, service, or offer. Sales emails are all about generating interest, providing value, and driving the recipient to take action, like making a purchase, signing up for a sales demo.

Sales emails can vary in tone and format depending on your audience and what you're trying to achieve.

What Makes a Great Sales Email?

Here are the elements you need to pay particular attention to when writing commercial emails:

  • Personalization: Use the recipient's name and tailor the message to their specific needs or interests.
  • Clear and Short Subject Line: Grab attention with a compelling subject line.
  • Value Proposition: Clearly explain the benefits of what you're offering.
  • Conciseness: Keep it short and sweet—nobody likes a long email.
  • Strong Call to Action (CTA): Tell the reader exactly what you want them to do next.
  • Social Proof: Include testimonials, case studies, or stats to build credibility.
  • Professional Tone: Even if you’re being casual, keep it professional and on-brand.

With our 7 best prompts for sales emails, you can be sure of maximizing each of these criteria.

5 Reasons Why ChatGPT Can Help You Write Your Sales Emails

1. Generating Ideas

One of the most challenging aspects of writing sales emails is coming up with fresh and engaging content ideas. ChatGPT can help by generating a variety of ideas based on your product, target audience, and campaign goals.

You can input a general concept or specific details about your sales objective, and ChatGPT will provide several prompt suggestions to get you started.

2. Personalization

Personalization is key to effective sales emails. ChatGPT can help you create personalized prompts by analyzing customer data and tailoring the content to specific segments of your audience.

By providing customer personas or specific data points, you will generate prompts that speak directly to individual needs and preferences.

3. Efficiency

Writing compelling sales emails can be time-consuming. ChatGPT can streamline the process by quickly generating high-quality drafts based on your input. This allows you to focus on refining and personalizing the content rather than starting from scratch.

4. Optimization

ChatGPT can suggest improvements in language, tone, and structure to enhance the effectiveness of your sales emails. By analyzing best practices and successful sales email examples, ChatGPT can provide insights and recommendations to make your emails more engaging and persuasive.

5. Versatility

ChatGPT is versatile and can generate prompts for various types of sales emails, including cold outreach, follow-ups, product announcements, re-engagement campaigns, and more.

No matter your objective, ChatGPT can provide tailored emails to suit your needs with the right prompt.

3 Main Limitations of Chat GPT when writing sales emails

Chat GPT is very effective for writing commercial emails, but even with the best prompts for sales emails, keep in mind that ChatGPT isn't perfect:

1. Lack of Context and Nuance

ChatGPT, despite its advanced language processing abilities, may not fully grasp the specific context or nuances of your sales situation. This can lead to prompts that are either too generic or not entirely relevant to your target audience.

If your product has a unique selling point that requires a deep understanding of your industry, ChatGPT might miss this nuance and produce a prompt that fails to highlight this crucial aspect.

To overcome this problem, don't hesitate to exchange several messages with chat gpt to provide detailed input when generating prompts.

2. Over-Personalization Risk

While personalization is key to effective sales emails, there’s a fine line between a personalized touch and an intrusive one. ChatGPT might generate prompts that include too much personal detail, which can come off as creepy or invasive to the recipient.

3. Dependence on Quality Input

The quality of the prompts generated by ChatGPT heavily depends on the quality and clarity of the input it receives. Vague or poorly structured input can lead to unsatisfactory outputs.

A poorly defined prompt like "Write a sales email" will yield a less effective output than a specific prompt with detailed context and goals. A little further down in this article, we help you write the best prompts for sales emails and avoid prompts that are too general.

You’ll then be able to provide clear, detailed input that outlines the objective, target audience, key features, and desired tone of the email.

7 Best Prompts For Sales Emails & Examples

Now, let's get to the fun part—using the best prompts for sales emails. Here are seven detailed prompts to help you craft effective sales emails.

Prompt #1: Cold Outreach Email

Context: You’re introducing your product to someone who hasn’t heard of your company before. You want to make yourself and your solution known.


"Write a cold outreach email to a [job title] at a [type of company/industry]. Introduce our [product/service], highlighting its unique features such as [feature 1], [feature 2], and [feature 3]. Include a brief case study of how a similar [company/industry] improved their [specific metric] by [percentage or amount] using our [product/service]."


"Write a cold outreach email to a tech industry professional introducing our sales all-in-one software, Claap. Highlight its unique features and benefits such as AI-powered summaries, and include a brief case study of Qonto that increased product quality and velocity using Claap."

Prompt #2: Follow-Up Email

Context: You’re writing a sales email follow-up when you’ve reached out once, and the prospect showed interest but hasn’t replied.


"Draft a follow-up email for a [type of company/industry] that attended our recent [event/webinar] on [topic] but hasn't responded to our initial outreach. Emphasize how our [product/service] can provide [specific benefits], leading to [desired outcome]. Suggest a [length of time] call to discuss how we can help [specific goal]."


"Draft a follow-up email for a potential client who attended our last webinar on video prospecting but hasn't responded to our initial email. Emphasize how Claap’s screen recording feature can help them improve their demo videos, and suggest a time for a quick call to discuss further."

Prompt #3: Product Launch Announcement

Context: You’re announcing a new product to your existing customers.


"Draft an email to our current [customer type] announcing the launch of our new [product/service]. Explain its key features like [feature 1], [feature 2], and [feature 3]. Offer an exclusive [discount/offer] for those who sign up within the first [time period], and include a link to a [demo video/webinar]."


"Draft an email to Claap’s existing customers announcing the launch of our new AI-powered video editing tool. Explain its key features (trimming and cutting the video, removing silences and editing the transcript), how it can benefit their sales teams, and offer an exclusive early-bird discount for those who sign up within the first week."

Prompt #4: Re-engagement Email

Context: You want to reconnect with a past customer who hasn’t interacted with your brand in a while.


"Write a re-engagement email for a previous customer who hasn't used our [product/service] in [time period]. Highlight our new features and updates, and mention a special [discount/offer] just for them. Include a personalized note about how they previously used our service and suggest how these new features can benefit them.


"Write a re-engagement email for a previous customer who hasn't used Claap in the past six months. Highlight our new features such as advanced video annotation, improved team collaboration tools, and seamless integration with popular project management platforms. Mention a special 20% discount on their next subscription. Include a personalized note about how they previously used Claap for their sales team and suggest how these new features can enhance their team's productivity and communication."

Prompt #5: Event Invitation Email

Context: You’re inviting potential clients to an event or webinar.


"Draft an invitation email for a [event type] targeted at [specific audience]. Provide details about the event, including the date, time, and key topics such as [topic 1], [topic 2], and [topic 3]. Emphasize the benefits of attending, such as gaining insights from [industry experts/speakers] and participating in an [interactive Q&A session/networking opportunity]."


"Draft an invitation email for a free webinar on new prospecting trends, targeting sales managers. Include the date, time, and key topics of the event using this piece of information [copy-paste here the agenda of your webinar], and emphasize the benefits of attending, such as gaining insights from ScorePlay and Qonto (which are successful start-ups) sales managers."

Prompt #6: Testimonial Request Email

Context: You’re asking satisfied customers to provide a testimonial or review.


"Draft an email requesting a testimonial from a long-term customer who has been using our [product/service] for [time period]. Mention how their feedback helps us improve our services and express our appreciation for their loyalty. Offer to feature their business on our [website/social media] as a thank-you for their testimonial."


"Draft an email requesting a testimonial from Revolut, a long-term customer who has consistently used our SaaS platform to cut-off their lengthy meetings. Mention how their feedback helps us improve our services and offer to feature their business on our website as a thank you."

Prompt #7: Upsell/Cross-Sell Email

Context: You’re encouraging existing customers to upgrade or buy additional products.


"Create an upsell email for customers currently subscribed to our [current plan/service]. Highlight the benefits of upgrading to the [premium/advanced] plan, such as [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. Include a limited-time offer of a [discount/offer] on the first [time period] of the [premium/advanced] plan and provide a link to a comparison chart of both plans."


"Create an upsell email for customers currently subscribed to Claap’s basic plan, highlighting the advantages of upgrading to the Pro plan. Detail the additional features and benefits such as unlimited recordings, 10 monthly uploads and advanced AI features. Offer a 3-months 25% discount to encourage the upgrade."

Use Claap for Video Sales Instead of Writing Sales Emails

Tired to write sales emails all day, even with the help of Chat GPT and with our best prompts for sales emails? Try to boost engagement with videos in your sales emails, instead of traditional emails. 

Not all interactions with prospects need to be through text. In fact, video content now makes up 82% of what we consume online because it's incredibly engaging and easy to create.

For sales managers looking to connect with leads more effectively, Claap offers a powerful alternative to traditional sales emails.

Benefits of Using Claap for Video Sales

Engage Your Prospects More Effectively

With Claap, you can record quick video messages anytime, showing your screen, your face (by recording your webcam), or anything you need to communicate. This personal touch can significantly increase engagement compared to text-based emails.

Capture Attention Quickly

Videos and video emails are more likely to catch a prospect's eye and hold their attention, making it easier to convey your message clearly and persuasively.

Improve Face-to-Face Interactions

When you do get face-to-face with leads and customers, Claap records your meetings, providing full transcripts, AI-generated summaries, and speaker analytics. These tools help you refine your approach and create more effective sales opportunities.

Save Time on Admin Tasks

Claap can cut post-meeting admin tasks in half thanks to its centralized hub for video content, allowing you to focus more on selling and less on paperwork.

Try Claap for Free

Claap offers a 14-day free trial, so you can test it out and see the difference it makes in your sales cycle. By incorporating video sales messages, you can shorten your sales cycle and enhance your overall productivity.

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