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Closing Deals Remotely: Learn How to Boost your Sales

Yonathan Bellaiche
October 18, 2024
Remote Works

Closing Deals Remotely: What Is the Job?

What is remote closing?

Remote closing is basically the process of finalizing deals or agreements in an online environment, with clients from across the globe. More profoundly, it's the art of convincing prospects to say "yes" without ever shaking their hand in person: it’s about building relationships, trust, and understanding, but without the traditional in-person meetings.

Job description and explanation of remote sales closer's role

As a remote closer, your mission is to guide potential customers through the final stages of the sales process, addressing their concerns, showcasing value, and ultimately getting them to commit – all through your computer screen or your phone with one-on-one calls. 

Difference between remote closing and traditional closing

If both obviously share the same goals (carry out commercial operations), remote closing remains fundamentally different from traditional closing because it requires a different set of skills, tools, and strategies. Instead of reading body language in person, you're decoding digital cues. Rather than relying on a firm handshake, you're building trust through pixels and audio waves. Thus, remote closing needs dedicated learning processes and resources - in which we are going to dive here. 

Why Closing Deals Remotely is a Game-Changer

Gaining efficiency and productivity

Closing deals remotely is now essentially mandatory for almost all businesses to remain competitive in the digital age. Indeed, being able to close deals from home is like having a sales superpower: you can hop from one sales call to another in minutes, without the hassle of travel. This means more calls, more prospects, and potentially more closes in a single day. 

When streamlining operations by eliminating the need for physical presence during negotiations, you not only save time but also optimize your resources and reduce overhead costs.

Unlocking global opportunities

As a remote closer, you can indeed expand your market reach (and thus increase your revenue streams): 

  • Beyond geographical limitations: your next big client could be in Tokyo, London, or Sydney. 
  • Into diverse customer bases - with different needs.

Enhancing customer experience and client satisfaction

You are not the only one to withdraw profits from remote closing: clients may also prefer the convenience of remote interactions, which reinforces the virtuous circle. Indeed, remote closing ensures convenience and flexibility for clients (they can meet with you from their office, home, even while on vacation).

Moreover, with the right tools (see below) you can personalize more easily the digital interactions, and even create tailored presentations and experiences that will make your sales process more engaging and your prospects satisfied. 

Embracing sustainability in sales

By minimizing at the same time physical documents and travel, closing deals remotely is undoubtedly great for the planet. Reducing your environmental impact and your carbon footprint, it allows you to align with the corporate social responsibility goals your company might or should have; and you also align with the greater consumer demand for environmentally responsible business practices. 

Essential Skills and Strategies for Closing Deals Remotely

Mastering digital communication

Developing or possessing top-notch digital communication skills is the most important thing when it comes to remote closing. It includes:

  • Working on emotional intelligence: be wary of verbal and non-verbal cues in video calls. A good remote sales rep should learn to read and respond to virtual body language, distinguishing spot signs of interest or hesitation - even through the screen! Building rapport without in-person interactions can be tricky - but sharing relatable stories, finding common ground and projecting confidence through the camera is the best way to make the difference. 
  • Utilizing multi-channel approaches to make your digital communication truly efficient (mix video calls with emails, social media or  text messages to keep the conversation flowing).
  • Perfecting your virtual sales pitch:some text
    • Crafting irresistible sales pitch and compelling presentations for screen sharing (visual aids are your best friend, you should make them count). And if you want to try video pitching to make your sales pitch go to the next level, try Claap!
    • Using storytelling techniques to engage prospects: paint a vivid picture of how your solution solves their problems - and don’t hesitate to use AI to get some inspiration (see some of the best prompts you could use here).

Mastering the follow-up

When closing deals remotely, the lack of physical presence can be an additional obstacle to keep your prospect in the process; thus, mastering the follow-up game becomes crucial. You should be concerned with:

  • Effective written communication: craft emails that demand attention and response (see some follow-up email templates for every situation right here and the best ChatGPT prompts for sales follow-up right there). 
  • Timing and frequency of post-call communications (try to find the sweet spot between persistent and pushy).

Overcoming common challenges in remote sales

Closing deals remotely comes with its own set of hurdles; and you should be prepared to face them.

  • Dealing with technical difficulties: it means you always have to secure a backup plan. 
  • Maintaining engagement in a virtual environment: use interactive elements like polls, screen annotations, or sales infographics to keep your prospects involved.
  • Handling objections during sales calls: anticipate common objections and prepare compelling rebuttals (take a look at the best strategies you can implement, and at the best ChatGPT prompts for handling objections). 

Setting up a winning remote closing process

Success in closing deals remotely supposes to have a solid and comprehensive process.

Evaluate your current sales funnel

The obvious first step is to identify areas for digital optimization: look for bottlenecks in your process that could be improved with technology. Then, align your team goals with remote selling practices and make sure everyone's on the same page.

Implement robust remote sales policies

It means establishing clear guidelines for virtual interactions (set standards for video call, response times, and follow-up procedures), and ensuring data security and privacy, which is particularly important in remote deals since your clients' information is more at risk.

Measure success in remote sales closing

You should not only adapt your traditional metrics to the new remote environment (closing ratios, deal sizes, benchmarks), but also add new KPIs specific to digital interactions (and track things like video call engagement rates or digital content interaction).

Focus on adaptability and continuous learning

In order to keep up with changing customer expectations, you need to make an extra effort in:

  • Embracing new techniques and platforms: try new tools or approaches to make sure to always be at the forefront of efficiency and innovation.
  • Training your team: invest in regular training sessions to keep your team’s remote closing skills sharp. You can for instance create training videos and use the most advanced training tools on the market.  

Cutting-Edge Tools for Remote Closing Success

Leveraging technology for success

As you might have guessed already, the right tools can make or break your remote closing game. The must-have tools for remote closing are: high-quality video conferencing software, a reliable CRM (compare for instance between Zoho and Salesforce), and digital signature tools. 

In particular, your video conferencing platform is your virtual sales floor. It should be chosen wisely and have: advanced features for sales presentations (look for platforms that offer screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms) and integration capabilities with CRM systems (seamless integration means less admin work and more selling time).

AI-powered sales assistants

Moreover, tracking remote sales performance can now be done really easily with AI-powered tools. Look for an analytics platform that will give you insights into your remote sales activities, including analyzing calls (for improvement opportunities), predicting which leads are most likely to close and automating follow-up tasks. 

Closing Deals Remotely (using Claap)

Since we talked about efficiency and productivity, digital communication, following-up, sales coaching or technological tools to help you boost your revenues thanks to remote sales, let me introduce you to Claap, which could be the ultimate game-changer for your remote sales strategy. 

What is Claap? 

Claap is an all-in-one video platform that helps you record your meetings, store them in a single place and give precise feedback to your team. It combines a wide range of solutions to effectively coach your sales teams, unifying your meeting recording, screen recording, webcam recording, and video wiki in a single video workspace (with audio and video transcriptions). Claap can make AI-generated notes and summaries according to a desired template, and also provides an all-in-one video library to store your sales videos and collaborate with your teams. 

The ultimate tool for remote sales

Indeed, Claap can take your remote closing capabilities to the next level:

  • Save time: with Claap’s meeting recording software, you can just record your calls on Zoom or Google Meet and sum them up 50x faster than usual - you can get transcript and summary in 99 languages, and centralize all your videos in only one central location.  With Claap’s AI CRM extractor, you can also fill your CRM with the relevant information from your last meeting.
  • Masters your follow-up: using Claap’s AI sales follow up email generator, you just have to copy-paste the transcript of your last meeting and let Claap’s AI copilot do the job for you. 
  • Improve your skills: if you want to improve your reactivity to customers’ objections, you can also use Claap’s AI objections extractor; and if you want to improve your communication skills by learning how to make a video sales pitch that converts every time, you’re in the right place. 
  • Invest in remote sales coaching: we already have seen that training your teams and focusing on continuous learning is non negotiable in remote sales. Using Claap’s AI-powered sales coaching software, you can create a strong sales coaching strategy to make the most of your remote sales pipeline and build a powerful library of best practices.

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