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35+ MEDDIC Discovery Questions To Qualify Prospects in 2024

Max Gayler
October 3, 2024
Remote Works

What is selling but asking the right questions? Whether you’re an SDR looking to qualify leads of an account executive leading an inbound sales strategy, working with a sales framework can dramatically improve the consistency of your approach.

You’re here because you’re looking for some MEDDIC discovery questions, so I won’t bore you with the explanation of what a sales framework is. This article is all about the art of asking questions, and giving you an arsenal of tried-and-tested questions salespeople are using every day.

How to Use MEDDIC Discovery Questions

Before you get to qualifying leads, let’s just quickly go over what MEDDIC actually means. If you’re just here for the questions, feel free to skip this section. 

MEDDIC stands for:

  • Metrics
  • Economic Buyer
  • Decision Criteria
  • Decision Process
  • Identify Pain
  • Champion 

It's one of the most popular sales methodologies – each letter represents a crucial element that, when combined, creates an unstoppable force in the world of B2B sales.

You might also be looking for MEDDICC. That’s almost identical to MEDDIC but with an extra section for “Competitor”. Or MEDDPICC which adds another section called “Paper process”. You can get a full breakdown of the differences here.

These sales frameworks are designed to break down how you qualify leads to create consistency in your pipeline and make sure you’re not wasting time on a prospect that isn’t going to be a good match for your business.

35+ MEDDIC Discovery Questions to Try Right Now


Before anyone invests in your tool, product or business, you need to make sure you understand how to help them. This section of MEDDIC helps you understand how you’re going to help potential customers hit their goals. These MEDDIC discovery questions are vital in creating long lifecycle customers that won’t churn.

  1. What is your goal for [team/department] this [Year/Quarter/Month]?

This question helps you understand the prospect's specific objectives and timeframes. The answer will reveal their priorities and the scale of their ambitions. Expect answers that include numerical targets or strategic milestones. Use this information to align your solution with their goals and demonstrate how it can accelerate their progress.

  1. Which key performance indicators (KPIs) do you use to measure the health of your [specific department/process]?

This inquiry uncovers the metrics that matter most to the prospect. Their response will highlight what they value and how they define success. Typical answers might include revenue growth, customer acquisition cost, or productivity measures. Tailor your pitch to show how your solution can positively impact these specific KPIs.

  1. How do you correlate your operational metrics with financial outcomes?

This question reveals the prospect's understanding of how their day-to-day operations translate to bottom-line results. Their answer will show their level of data sophistication and business acumen. Look for responses that link operational efficiencies to cost savings or revenue growth. Use this insight to frame your solution's benefits in terms of financial impact.

  1. How much are you currently spending to try and achieve these goals?

This question helps you understand the prospect's current investment and sets a baseline for demonstrating ROI. Expect answers in terms of budget allocations or specific expenditures. Use this information to position your solution as either a cost-saving measure or a more efficient use of resources.

  1. What's the most elusive metric you've been trying to improve?

This question identifies a key pain point or challenge. The answer will reveal where the prospect feels they're falling short. Responses might include hard-to-influence metrics like customer lifetime value or employee retention. Focus on how your solution can help them finally move the needle on this troublesome metric.

  1. If we fast-forward one year, what numbers would make you celebrate?

This question encourages the prospect to envision success and quantify it. Their answer will reveal their aspirations and what they consider a significant improvement. Use this information to set concrete goals for your partnership and to demonstrate confidence in achieving these targets with your solution.

Economic Buyer

This section of the MEDDIC framework is all about finding the decision maker and what’s going to get them to say yes. This is a great opportunity for your prospect to give you some insider information to help you get on their good side.

  1. Who's responsible for the final sign-off in (team/department)?

This question identifies the key decision-maker. The answer will reveal the power structure within the organization. Use this information to ensure your proposal reaches and appeals to the right person. Expect answers that name specific individuals or roles.

  1. How does this person prefer to digest new proposals?

Understanding the decision-maker's preferred communication style is crucial. Answers might include preferences for detailed reports, brief executive summaries, or in-person presentations. Tailor your approach accordingly to maximize impact and engagement.

  1. What metrics do they prioritize when evaluating new initiatives?

This question reveals the decision-maker's key considerations. Expect answers that highlight financial metrics like ROI, strategic alignment, or operational efficiencies. Use this insight to emphasize how your solution delivers on these priority areas.

  1. How does this project align with the vision of your C-suite executives?

This question helps you understand the broader organizational context. The answer will reveal how well-aligned the project is with top-level strategy. Use this information to position your solution as a strategic enabler, not just a tactical fix.

  1. What past investments have garnered praise from your C-Level and/or investors?

This question uncovers what types of initiatives have been successful in the past. Answers might include specific projects, technologies, or approaches. Use this insight to draw parallels between these successes and your proposed solution.

  1. How does your key decision maker typically measure return on investment (ROI) for similar projects?

Understanding the ROI calculation method is crucial for demonstrating value. Expect answers that outline specific formulas or considerations. Align your value proposition with this ROI framework to make a compelling business case.

Decision Criteria

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just ask your prospects what would make them say yes? Well this section is basically that but in a more complete way. Discover all the things that will make their decision maker want your product and make sure your business is actually a good fit for them.

  1. What are the non-negotiable features that any solution must bring to the table?

This question identifies the must-have elements for any proposed solution. Answers will reveal deal-breakers and minimum requirements. Ensure your solution meets these criteria and highlight how it exceeds them.

  1. How do you balance innovation against tried-and-true approaches in your evaluation process?

This question reveals the prospect's risk tolerance and innovation appetite. Their answer will indicate whether they prefer cutting-edge solutions or proven technologies. Tailor your pitch to align with their comfort level and demonstrate how your solution strikes the right balance.

  1. What would make a solution stand head and shoulders above the rest in your eyes?

This question uncovers what would make your solution truly exceptional in their view. Answers might include unique features, superior support, or integration capabilities. Use this insight to emphasize your solution's differentiators and competitive advantages.

  1. How heavily does cultural fit weigh in your vendor selection process?

This question gauges the importance of alignment beyond just technical capabilities. Answers will reveal how much they value shared values or working styles. Use this information to demonstrate your company's cultural compatibility and commitment to partnership.

  1. What hidden criteria might influence the final decision that aren't on the official checklist?

This question probes for unofficial or implicit decision factors. Answers might include personal preferences, past experiences, or internal politics. Use this insider knowledge to address potential objections and tailor your approach.

  1. How do you quantify intangible benefits when evaluating potential solutions?

This question reveals how the prospect values non-financial benefits. Answers might include methods for assigning value to factors like improved morale or brand perception. Use this insight to highlight the full spectrum of benefits your solution offers, beyond just the numbers.

Decision Process

Sometimes sales go through in a few days, sometimes a few months. There really is no timeline when it comes to your pipeline, but this set of MEDDIC discovery questions helps make sure you're completely clued in on when a prospect might convert.

  1. Can you walk me through the journey from proposal to implementation in your organization?

This question maps out the decision-making process. The answer will reveal key stages, stakeholders, and potential bottlenecks. Use this information to plan your sales strategy and set realistic timelines.

  1. How do you navigate potential roadblocks in the approval process?

This question uncovers strategies for overcoming obstacles. Answers might include escalation procedures or consensus-building techniques. Use this insight to proactively address potential issues and smooth the path to approval.

  1. What's the secret sauce for expediting decisions in your company?

This question reveals insider tips for moving things along quickly. Answers might include specific influencers or presentation techniques. Leverage this information to accelerate the sales cycle and maintain momentum.

  1. How do you ensure all stakeholders feel heard during the decision-making process?

This question highlights the importance of inclusive decision-making. Answers will reveal communication and collaboration practices. Use this insight to engage all relevant parties and build broad support for your solution.

  1. What's the typical gestation period for a project of this scope from idea to execution?

This question sets expectations for the timeline. The answer will help you understand their decision-making speed and implementation capacity. Use this information to plan your follow-ups and resource allocation.

  1. How does data influence your decision-making process at each stage?

This question reveals the role of data in their decisions. Answers will show their level of data-driven decision making. Use this insight to provide relevant data and analytics that support your value proposition throughout the process.

Identify Pain

Every business has problems. Slow growth, misaligned ICP, churning cohorts—all of these are obstacles you can help with. Before you can offer your services as a remedy for any pain points, these MEDDIC discovery questions will reveal them to you.

  1. What obstacles pop up time and time again regarding your current operations?

This question uncovers recurring pain points. Answers will reveal persistent challenges that haven't been adequately addressed. Focus on how your solution can break this cycle and provide lasting relief.

  1. If you had a magic wand, what one problem would you solve instantly in your role?

This question identifies their most pressing issue. The answer will reveal their top priority for improvement. Position your solution as the "magic wand" that can address this critical need.

  1. How are the current challenges impacting your team's morale and productivity?

This question explores the human impact of their problems. Answers will reveal effects on job satisfaction and efficiency. Use this insight to demonstrate how your solution can improve the work environment and boost productivity.

  1. What's the domino effect of the issues you're facing on other departments?

This question reveals the broader organizational impact. Answers will show how localized issues create ripple effects. Use this information to position your solution as a way to drive company-wide improvements.

  1. How would solving these problems transform your day-to-day operations?

This question encourages the prospect to envision a better future. Their answer will reveal their ideal state of operations. Use this vision to paint a compelling picture of life with your solution implemented.

  1. What metrics are most negatively affected by your current pain points?

This question ties pain points to measurable impacts. Answers will quantify the cost of inaction. Use these metrics to build a strong business case for your solution, showing concrete improvements in key areas.


People buy from people, and even more so they buy from their colleagues. Teams trust each other and if you can have even one person singing your praises on their team, you’re way more likely to close. Try these MEDDIC discovery questions to figure out who your champion could be and how to arm them with everything they need.

  1. Who in your organization is most passionate about driving change in this area?

This question identifies potential internal advocates. The answer will reveal allies who can support your cause. Engage these champions to build momentum and influence decision-makers.

  1. How can we empower you to be the internal hero for this project?

This question positions your contact as a key player. Their answer will reveal what they need to succeed. Provide them with the tools, information, and support they need to champion your solution effectively.

  1. What insider knowledge can you share to help us tailor our approach?

This question seeks valuable internal context. Answers might include company politics, personal preferences, or unwritten rules. Use this insider information to fine-tune your proposal and navigate the organization more effectively.

  1. How can we make you look brilliant in front of your colleagues and superiors?

This question aligns your success with theirs. The answer will reveal their personal motivations and goals. Tailor your approach to help them achieve recognition and advance their career through the success of your solution.

  1. What resources do you need from us to champion this cause effectively?

This question identifies specific support needs. Answers might include data, presentations, or training materials. Provide these resources to empower your champion and facilitate internal advocacy.

BONUS: What data or evidence would strengthen your case for this solution internally?

This question reveals what proof points are most persuasive internally. Answers might include case studies, ROI calculations, or technical specifications. Furnish your champion with this compelling evidence to build a strong internal case for your solution.

If you record your sales calls with a tool like Claap, you can paste the transcript straight into this tool to get a full breakdown of your prospect using the MEDDIC framework.

How Can I Implement the MEDDIC Sales Methodology in My Sales Team?

MEDDIC sounds like it’s something right up your street? Let’s get you set up.

There are a number of ways for you and your sales team to start investing in the MEDDIC sales methodology.

The easiest way is by signing up to Claap. This tool records all your sales calls, gives you an AI summary along with a word-for-word transcript of everything that was said. You can even record quick video clips to send to your prospects and keep them engaged.

Each of your call recordings even comes with a coaching tab so you can get a MEDDIC breakdown of every call to make sure you’re completing the framework and maximizing your conversion. 

You can even get a complete view of all your deals and see which steps of MEDDIC have been completed between all the calls you have with prospects.

You can get a 14-day FREE trial right now (no credit card required).

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