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​​What is MEDDIC in Sales? Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Max Gayler
September 10, 2024
Remote Works

Sometimes selling feels like you’re starting from square one every time. The strategy that works for prospect A doesn’t seem to work for prospect B and for some reason customer C just wants to talk about doing a webinar together. Sales is not straight forward.

This isn’t new information, and you aren’t the only person who experiences this. That’s why some really clever people came up with MEDDIC in the 1990s.

originally founded by the now highly sought after (and super famous) Jack Napoli. He crafted the MEDDIC framework and applied it to his role at PTC to bring their revenue from $300 million to $1 billion in just four years. It’s since been adapted into a popular sales methodology to turn the process into something more methodical, testable and applicable. 

You can even go get a MEDDICC qualification from their own website if you really want to master the methodology.

Before you dive into that though, take a few minutes to read below and get a full understanding of how you can use it to win more deals.

What is MEDDIC?

MEDDIC isn't some fancy cocktail or a new dating app. It's a sales methodology that's been turning average Joes into sales superstars since the '90s. 

MEDDIC stands for:

  • Metrics
  • Economic Buyer
  • Decision Criteria
  • Decision Process
  • Identify Pain
  • Champion. 

It's one of the most popular sales methodologies – each letter represents a crucial element that, when combined, creates an unstoppable force in the world of B2B sales.

But what is MEDDIC, really? It's a framework that helps you qualify leads, understand your customer's needs, and close deals faster than you can say "commission check." It's not just about memorizing a bunch of letters; it's about diving deep into your prospect's world and becoming their trusted advisor.

Who Should Use MEDDIC?

Now, you might be thinking, "Is this MEDDIC thing for me?" Well, let me break it down for you. If you're in B2B sales, especially if you're dealing with complex, high-value deals that make your palms sweat and your heart race, then MEDDIC is your new best friend.

But here's the kicker – MEDDIC isn't just for the seasoned pros. If you're a fresh-faced rookie looking to make your mark in the sales world, learning what MEDDIC is and how to use it can give you a serious edge over your competition.

Should My Team Use MEDDIC?

Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. Should you and your team jump on the MEDDIC bandwagon? Let's weigh the pros and cons, shall we?

Pro 1: Laser-Focused Qualification

MEDDIC helps you zero in on the deals that are actually worth your time. No more chasing after leads that are about as solid as a house of cards in a hurricane.

Pro 2: Deeper Customer Understanding

By following the MEDDIC framework, you'll gain insights into your customer's world that'll make you feel like a mind reader. And trust me, customers love it when you "get" them.

Pro 3: Streamlined Sales Process

MEDDIC gives your team a common language and approach. It's like having a GPS for your sales journey – everyone knows where they're going and how to get there.

Pro 4: Increased Win Rates

When you understand what MEDDIC is and how to apply it properly, you'll see your close rates soar.

Con 1: Initial Learning Curve

Let's be real – implementing MEDDIC isn't as easy as selling umbrellas in a monsoon. It takes time and effort to master, which might slow you down initially.

Con 2: Not One-Size-Fits-All

MEDDIC works wonders for complex B2B sales, but if you're selling fidget spinners on the street corner, it might be overkill.

How to Apply MEDDIC Sales Framework to My Team

Alright, you're sold on MEDDIC (pun intended). Now, let's break down each element so you can start applying this thing to your sales process.

To effectively use the MEDDIC sales methodology, it’s essential to break down each component into actionable steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to apply each element of MEDDIC to your sales process.

If you’ve got a meeting transcript you want to put through the MEDDIC sales framework, we can do that for you right here (free web tool).

M - Metrics

This is where you quantify the impact of your solution. What's the ROI? How much time or money will they save? Get specific, my friend. Numbers talk.


  • Have you identified the key metrics that matter to the prospect?
  • Can you quantify the impact of your solution on these metrics?
  • Have you prepared visual aids to present this data effectively?
  • Have you confirmed with the prospect that these metrics are relevant to them?

E - Economic Buyer

Find the person with the power of the purse strings. Who's got the authority to sign off on this deal? Hint: It's not always the person you've been schmoozing with.


  • Have you identified the economic buyer within the organization?
  • Have you directly asked about who is responsible for budget approvals?
  • Have you engaged the economic buyer early in the sales process?
  • Is your message tailored to the priorities of the economic buyer?

D - Decision Criteria

What factors are they using to make their decision? Price? Features? The color of your tie? Understanding their criteria is crucial to positioning your solution effectively.


  • Have you asked about the specific criteria the prospect will use to make their decision?
  • Do you understand how the prospect is evaluating competitors?
  • Have you tailored your pitch to align with the decision criteria?
  • Have you clarified the most critical decision criteria with the prospect?

D - Decision Process

Map out their buying process. Who needs to sign off? What committees are involved? Knowing this helps you navigate the corporate labyrinth and avoid getting lost in the "we'll get back to you" maze.


  • Have you mapped out the prospect’s decision process?
  • Do you know who the key stakeholders are at each stage?
  • Have you identified potential roadblocks in the decision process?
  • Have you planned your follow-up actions based on the timeline?

I - Identify Pain

What keeps your prospect up at night? What problems are they facing? The more you understand their pain points, the better you can position your solution as something they need, not want..


  • Have you identified the key pain points of the prospect?
  • Can you quantify the cost of these pain points to the prospect?
  • Have you highlighted the urgency of addressing these issues?
  • Does your solution directly address the identified pain points?

C - Champion

Find your internal advocate – someone who believes in your solution and has the ear of the decision-makers. This person is worth their weight in gold, so treat them accordingly.


  • Have you identified a champion within the prospect’s organization?
  • Are you building a strong relationship with your champion?
  • Have you equipped your champion with the necessary tools to advocate for your solution?
  • Are you maintaining regular contact to keep your champion engaged?

Avoiding the Teething Issues of Changing Sales Frameworks

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room – change is hard. Switching to MEDDIC isn't like flipping a switch; it's more like learning to ride a bike. You're gonna wobble, you might fall, but eventually, you'll be cruising.

  1. Start with training: Make sure everyone understands what MEDDIC is and why it matters. Knowledge is power, people!
  2. Implement gradually: Don't try to overhaul your entire process overnight. Start with one or two elements and build from there.
  3. Use technology: Leverage your CRM to track MEDDIC elements. Make it easy for your team to adopt the new framework. Record your calls with Claap and get MEDDIC-specific coaching immediately.
  4. Celebrate wins: When MEDDIC helps close a deal, shout it from the rooftops (or at least in your team meeting).
  5. Continuous improvement: Regularly review and refine your MEDDIC process. What's working? What isn't? Adjust accordingly.

How Can I Implement the MEDDIC Sales Methodology in My Sales Team?

MEDDIC sounds like it’s something right up your street? Let’s get you set up.

There are a number of ways for you and your sales team to start investing in the MEDDIC sales methodology.

The easiest way is by signing up to Claap. This tool records all your sales calls, gives you an AI summary along with a word-for-word transcript of everything that was said. You can even record quick video clips to send to your prospects and keep them engaged.

Each of your call recordings even comes with a coaching tab so you can get a MEDDIC breakdown of every call to make sure you’re completing the framework and maximizing your conversion. 

You can even get a complete view of all your deals and see which steps of MEDDIC have been completed between all the calls you have with prospects.

You can get a 14-day FREE trial right now (no credit card required).

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