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7 ChatGPT prompts for closing deals [+Templates & Examples]

Victoire Leveilley
August 6, 2024
Remote Works

Are you looking to close more deals faster? You've come to the right place. Leveraging technology is no longer optional when you want to close sales deals; it’s a necessity.

One of the most effective tools you can add to your arsenal is ChatGPT prompts for closing deals. Let's dive into how these prompts can revolutionize your sales game and help you seal the deal quicker than ever before.

Why ChatGPT prompts for closing deals are a game changer

First off, let’s talk about what makes ChatGPT prompts so powerful for closing deals. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a sophisticated language model that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives.

Here are some reasons why using ChatGPT prompts for sales  is a game-changer:

Personalization of your sales messages

ChatGPT can generate highly personalized messages tailored to each client’s specific needs and preferences. By using detailed prompts, you can ensure that your outreach, follow-ups, and negotiations resonate deeply with your prospects.

Consistency over all your communications

ChatGPT helps sales reps craft polished and coherent messages that reflect the company’s brand voice, ensuring that every interaction with a prospect is top-notch.

Time efficiency

Drafting emails, proposals, and responses manually can be time-consuming. ChatGPT automates the writing of emails, scripts or meeting notes, allowing sales reps to focus more on strategic tasks and less on repetitive writing.

Cost-effective solution

ChatGPT can be used free of charge, so you can have some of your communications written without paying any fees. It provides a scalable solution that can be used by multiple team members, ensuring a consistent approach across your sales department.

How to use ChatGPT prompts for closing deals?

Leveraging ChatGPT to close deals involves a strategic approach that integrates AI-generated content into your sales process. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how you can use ChatGPT effectively to close more deals:

 Step 1: Identify Key Stages in Your Sales Process

Before diving into using ChatGPT, you should outline the key stages of your sales process where you need impactful communication. These stages typically include:

  • Initial Outreach
  • Post-Meeting Summaries
  • Handling Objections
  • Follow-Up Conversations
  • Negotiation Phase
  • Crafting the Closing Statement
  • Pricing Discussions

Step 2: Define Your Objectives

For each stage, define what you want to achieve with the help of ChatGPT. Are you aiming to capture interest, clarify details, address concerns, or finalize terms? Clear objectives will guide the prompts you create.

Step 3: Create Tailored Prompts

Generate specific prompts for ChatGPT to craft personalized and effective messages for each stage of your sales process. You can use ChatGPT prompts for each of the steps you previously identified.

Below we give you 7 successful ChatGPT prompts for closing deals, don’t hesitate to use them in your sales process.

Step 4: Input Prompts into ChatGPT

Enter the tailored prompts into ChatGPT to generate the content.

Review the output to ensure it aligns with your objectives and make any necessary adjustments to fit your style and tone.

Step 5: Personalize and Send

Personalize the generated content with specific details about your prospect and their business (prospect’s name, last communication…). Add any additional insights or information that you think will be valuable. Then, send the message to your prospect.

Step 6: Monitor Responses and Iterate

Track the responses from your prospects. Use the feedback to refine your prompts and improve future interactions. ChatGPT can also help you generate follow-up email templates based on the prospect’s replies.

7 ChatGPT Prompts for closing deals [Templates & Examples]

Prompt #1: Initial Outreach

Context: You’ve identified a potential client and you’re making first contact to introduce your product/service and its benefits.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Write a personalized initial outreach email to a potential client in [industry/sector], highlighting the benefits of our [product/service] and how it can solve [specific pain point]. Mention a recent industry trend or news that relates to their business and offer a free consultation or demo to discuss how we can help them achieve their goals. Make it concise, friendly and engaging."


Prompt #2: Post-Meeting Summaries

Context: After a productive meeting with a prospect, you need to write meeting minutes or, better, summarize the key points discussed and outline the agreed-upon next steps to ensure everyone is on the same page.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Create a detailed post-meeting summary email for [client's name] after our discussion about [topic]. Summarize the key points discussed, including [specific points], and outline the next steps we agreed on. Reiterate any commitments made during the meeting and provide a timeline for follow-up actions. Thank them for their time and express enthusiasm about moving forward."


Prompt #3: Handling Objections

Context: During your sales process, a prospect raises a concern or objection (pricing, product features, contract terms…) and you need to respond effectively to address their concerns and keep the deal moving forward.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Generate a thoughtful response to a client's objection about [specific objection, e.g., pricing, product features]. Acknowledge their concern, provide a clear explanation or solution to address it, and reinforce the value and benefits of our [product/service]. Include a relevant success story or testimonial that illustrates how we overcame a similar objection for another client."


Prompt #4: Follow-Up Conversations

Context: A prospect has shown interest in your product/service but has not responded lately, and you need to follow up to maintain engagement and move closer to closing the deal.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Write a follow-up email to [client's name] who expressed interest in our [product/service] but hasn't responded in [number of days]. Remind them of the key benefits we discussed and ask if they have any questions or need further information to make a decision. Offer to schedule a quick call to address any concerns and keep the conversation moving forward."


Prompt #5: Negotiation Phase

Context: You’re in the negotiation phase with a prospect, discussing the final terms and conditions of the deal, and need to clearly outline your proposed terms and address any final concerns.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Draft an email for [client's name] to address key points during the negotiation phase of our [product/service]. Clearly outline the proposed terms, including [specific terms], and explain the rationale behind them. Highlight any concessions or special offers we're providing and express our commitment to finding a mutually beneficial agreement. Invite them to discuss any additional concerns or requests they might have."


Prompt #6: Crafting the Closing Statement

Context: You’re ready to close the deal and need to craft a compelling closing statement or closing pitch that summarizes the benefits, reassures the client of their decision, asks some closing questions and outlines the next steps to finalize the purchase.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Draft a script for a closing pitch at the end of a sales call with [client's name] to finalize the deal for our [product/service]. Summarize the benefits and unique value proposition that convinced them to choose us, and outline the final steps to complete the purchase. Express gratitude for their trust and business, and provide clear instructions on how to proceed with signing the contract or making the payment. Reinforce our commitment to their success and look forward to a long-term partnership."


Prompt #7: Pricing Discussions

Context: You need to discuss the pricing of your product/service with a prospect, presenting the pricing structure clearly and justifying the cost by highlighting the key benefits and value provided.


"You’re [mention who you are]. Generate a detailed email for [client's name] to discuss the pricing of our [product/service]. Present the pricing structure clearly, including any available packages or discounts. Justify the pricing by highlighting the key features and benefits that deliver value to their business. Address any potential concerns about cost and offer to provide additional information or a customized quote to meet their specific needs. Invite them to discuss further or ask any questions they might have."


Close more deals with Claap

Now that you’re equipped with ChatGPT prompts for closing deals, let’s talk about how Claap can further boost your sales efforts.

What is Claap?

Claap is an all-in-one video workspace designed for sales teams to communicate more effectively and close deals faster.

Features that will help you close more deals, faster

Claap features:

  1. Meeting recordings with audio and video transcriptions;
  2. AI-powered notes and summaries according to a desired template;
  3. All-in-one video platform. Claap’s collaboration features enable your team to work together seamlessly;
  4. Turn customer calls into insights. Claap provides detailed analytics on how your video messages are performing;
  5. Screen and webcam recording. Use Claap to record your screen and walk potential clients through product demos or presentations. Claap allows you to send personalized video messages to your prospects.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating ChatGPT prompts for closing deals into your sales strategy is a smart move. These prompts can save you time, improve your communication, and help you handle objections with ease.

And when you pair them with Claap’s cutting-edge video messaging capabilities, you’re setting yourself up for success. So go ahead, give Claap a try, and watch your sales soar!

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